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Жаттығу №1.
Асты сызылған сөздер көпше түрде тұр ма, әлде жекеше түрде тұр ма? Қазақ тіліне аударыңыз.
1. The man is young. 2. Who are the men? What are they? 3. The shelves are good. 4. Where is the book? Is it on the shelf? 5. The little child is in the room. 6. The children are in the garden. 7. Is the scarf brown or red? 8. The scarves are thick. 9. Who is the woman? She is my sister. 10. What are the women? They are teachers.

Жаттығу №2.
Үлгі бойынша сөздерді өзгертіңіз:
Model: the room of my sister – my sister’s room.
The name of my brother; the friend of my sister; the husband of his daughter; the hous of my parents; the table of my teacher; the work of my classmate; the notebook of the student; the book of these students; the sister of my friend; the friend of our cousin; the photo of my grandfather; the room of Pete.

Жаттығу №3.
Үлгіге қарап төмендегі сөздерді өзгертіңіз:
Modal: my sister’s room – the room of my sister.
The aunt’s son; your father’s book; my sister’s dress; my sister’s daughter; my brother’s car; my friend’s record-book; the patient’s relatives; the patient’s temperature; the patient’s blood preasure; my friend’s room; the student’s book; men’s clothes.
Жаттығу №4.
Зат есімдерді 's, (') немесе … of … көмегімен байланыстырыңыз:
Modal: The door/the room the door of the room
The mother/Ann Ann's mother

1. the camera/Tom
2. the eyes/the cat
3. the top/the page
4. the daughter/Charles
5. the newspaper/today
6. the toys/the children
7. the name/your wife
8. the name/this street
9. the name/the man I saw yesterday
10. the new manager/the company
11. the result/the football match
12. the car/Mike parents
13. the garden/our neighbors
14. the children/Don and Mary

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