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Жаттығу №4
Төмендегі сөйлемдерді төл сөзге айналдырыңыз:
E.g.: Tom said he would go to see the doctor the next day. – Tom said: “I shall go and see the doctor tomorrow”
1. He told me he was ill.
2. He told me he had fallen ill.
3. They told me that Tom had not come to school the day before.
4. I told my sister that she might catch cold.
5. She told me she had caught cold.
6. She said she was feeling bad that day.
7. The old man told the doctor that he had pain in his right side.
8. He said he had just been examined by a good doctor.
9. He said he would not come to school until Monday.
10. The man said he had spent a month at a health resort.

Жаттығу №5
Арнайы сұраулы сөйлемдерді төлеу сөзге айналдырып жазыңыз:
E.g.: Mother said to me: “Who has brought this parcel?” – Mother asked me who had brought that parcel.
1. He said to her: “Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?”
2. Ann said to Mike: “When did you leave London?”
3. She said to Boris: “When will you be back home?”
4. Boris said to them: “How can I get to the railway station?”
5. Mary asked Tom: “What time will you come here tomorrow?”
6. She asked me: “Why didn’t you come here yesterday?”
7. I said to Nick: “Where are you going?”
8. I said to him: “How long are you going to stay here?”
9. Pete said to his friends: “When are you leaving St. Petersburg?”
10. He said to them: “Who will you see before you leave here?”

Жаттығу №6
Жалпы сұраулы сөйлемдерді төлеу сөзге айналдырып жазыңыз:
E.g.: I said to Mike: “Have you packed your suitcase?” – I asked Mike if he had packed his suitcase.
1. I said to Kate: “Did anybody meet you at the station?” 2. I said to her: “Can you give me their address?” 3. I asked Tom: “Have you had breakfast?” 4. I asked my sister: “Will you stay at home or go for a walk after dinner?” 5. She said to the young man: “Can you call a taxi for me?” 6. Mary said to Peter: “Have you shown your photo to Dick?” 7. He said to us: “Did you go to the museum this morning?” 8. I said to Boris: “Does your friend live in London?” 9. I said to the man: “Are you living in a hotel?” 10. He said to me: “Do you often go to see your friends?”

Жаттығу №7
Төмендегі сөйлемдерді төл сөзге айналдырыңыз:
E.g.: I asked him if he was going to a health resort. – I said to him: “Are you going to a health resort?”
1. I asked him if the doctor had given him some medicine. I asked him if he was feeling better now.
2. I asked the man how long he had been to St. Petersburg.
3. We asked the girl if her father was still in Moscow.
4. I asked the girl what sort of work her father did.
5. I asked if they had taken the sick man to hospital.
6. I asked my friend if he had a headache.
7. I wanted to know when he had fallen ill.
8. I wondered if he had taken his temperature.
9. I asked him if he was going to a health resort.
10. I wondered if he had taken his temperature.

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