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The Making and Development of the Historical Education in Kazakhstan: Historical and Theoretical Research (1920-2001)

of the thesis for the Doctor’s Academic degree of the Historical Sciences in specialities 07.00.02 – Homeland History (History of the Republic of Kazakhstan), 07.00.09 – Historiography, Source Study and Methods of Historical Research
The actuality of the research. The radical changes occurring in the field of national education have considerably raised interest to learning history. The historical past objectively continues in many respects to define today's condition of the Kazakhstan society, and it will also define its future.
Thereupon, study of the making and development of the historical education in Kazakhstan from 1920 to 2001 appears to be one of priority directions of the historical science.
Historical education in Kazakhstan has undergone some gross stages of development, during which the structure, the contents, the teaching methods varied.
During the Soviet period, historical education developed as a social idea reflecting the relations between the person, the state and the society. The ideology and the policy of the state had rendered great influence on development of historical education. Historical education was the sphere where various political interests of the state were realized through application to the historical material, and the reason for teaching history had clear-cut class character and reflected changes in social relations.
Each new turning-point in political development of the country was accompanied by a reform of the historical education system, thus a socio-political crisis generated a crisis of historical education.
Cardinal changes in the life of the Kazakhstan society have sharply raised the issue of regenerating the system of historical education. In this situation, it is important to address to the valuable experience accumulated within the previous years.
Study of the accumulated positive historical experience of the past, its deep scientific conceptualization, critical analysis and assessment, revealing pitfalls of historical education in our Republic is among perfecting factors of the studies in Kazakhstan history in modern educational institutions.

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