Білім беру бағдарламасына арналған торм 5206 тілдерді оқытудағы психологиялық МӘселелер пәні бойынша лекция тезистерінің жинағы

Topics & Questions for Study and Discussion

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Лекция - Тілдерді оқытудағы психологиялық мәселелер

Topics & Questions for Study and Discussion
Note: Items listed below are coded for either individual (I) work, group/pair (G) work, or whole-class (C) discussion, as suggestions to the instructor on how to incorporate the topics and questions into a class session.

1. (G) First language acquisition is a natural process common to all human beings. In small groups of three to five, share your own opinion about natural and social sides of first language acquisition.

2. (I/C) Make your own classification of first language acquisition and list major characteristic of every period. Share your points of view with class

3. (C) Discuss in class the relation of first language acquisition with development of mental process in concrete period.

4. (I/C) As you understood language acquisition and communication are leading activities of toddlers and pre-school children. Work out game tasks for children of different age directed to develop speech activity.

5. (I/C) Now, think of exercises and game tasks directed to development of child’s active vocabulary. Share with class.

6. (I/C) Think of possible ways of monitoring deviation in the child’s speech development. In class by analyzing all proposals find out the most reliable and the most early in monitoring.
Lecture 12.

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