Оқытудың техникалық құралдары: smart board, tables, schemes, diagrams, pictures, video materials.
Оқытудың әдістері мен түрлері: dıscussıon, presentation, problem solving, coaching, case study, brainstorming, debate.
Деңгейлік тапсырмалар: :
1- деңгей сұрақтары
Types of comparison and contrast
2-деңгей сұрақтары
3- деңгей сұрақтары
Interference Between First and Second Languages
ОБMӨЖ тапсырмалары: 1. Speech as psycholinguistic notion. 2. Linguistic abilities
MӨЖ тапсырмалары: The critical period hypothesis
Пайдаланылатын әдебиеттер:
Негізгі әдебиеттер:
Bailey, Kathleen M. Competitiveness and anxiety in adult second language learning: Looking at and through the diary studies. In Seliger & Long 1983.
Bailey, Kathleen M. Classroom-centered research on language teaching and learning. In Celce-Murcia 1985.
Bailey, Kathleen M. Class lecture, Spring 1986. Monterey Institute of International Studies. 1986.
Baldwin,Alfred. The development of intuition. In Bruner 1966a. 1966.
Banathy, Bela,Trager, Edith C, and Waddle, Carl D. The use of contrastive data in foreign language course development. In Valdman 1966.
Bandura, Albert and Walters, Richard H.. Social Learning and Personality Development. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 1963
Ausubel David Adults vs Children in second language learning: Psychological considerations. Modern Language journal, 1964.
Zimnjaja I.A. Psychology of teaching foreign languages. – M., 1991
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