Active transport is the movement of molecules from
areas of low concentration to area of high
concentration. In this process cells use energy. Unlike
diffusion and osmosis, it occurs only in living cells.
Other structures of the cell. Cytoskeleton, flagellum, cilia, cell wall.p.33-34.
Work in individual. Fill in the blanks: 1.Where are poisons and wastes detoxified in a
cell ……………………………………………… .
2.The «powerhouse» of the cell ………………….. .
3.A pigment that absorbs energy in sunlight
…………………………………………………..… .
4.The mitochondria of a cell contain an inner
membrane called ……………. ………………… .
5.What are the membrane – bound sacks that package
and secrete cell products…………… …………… .
6.The organelle that digests molecules, old
organelles, and foreign substances in the cell