Болашақ жоспарлар-бұл тек мектеп түлектерін ғана емес, олардың ата-аналары мен мұғалімдерін де толғандыратын мәселе. 16 немесе 17 жаста біз өмірімізде өте маңызды таңдау жасауымыз керек мамандық таңдау

Teachers are ready to give advice and help students at any time

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Болаша жоспарлар-б л тек мектеп т лектерін ана емес, оларды а

6. Teachers are ready to give advice and help students at any time
8. Express your agreement or disagreement.

  1. There are so many interesting professions that it is difficult to decide which one to

  2. I made up my mind to become a professor when I was 15 years old. choose.

  3. Physicians have to give all their knowledge, all their abilities, all their talents, and all their time to people, to the protection of their health

  4. They must remember that often it will be difficult to teach pupils, sometimes it will be even more difficult to exam them.

  5. When I entered the Aktobe Regional Zhubanov State University a year ago Anatomy was one of the first subjects which we began to study here.

  6. After each course of study we shall have practical training, during which we shall work as dentists, oculists.

Step 3.

1. Put the words in correct order and translate them into Kazakh or Russian.
1. I, as for, want, me, I, exactly, know, what. I know exactly what I want. Мен не қалайтынымды нақты білемін.
2. no doubt, right, They, that, have, this, the, for me, is decision. They have no doubt that this is the right decision for me. Олар бұл Мен үшін дұрыс шешім екеніне күмәнданбайды.

3. almost, I, all,like, medical, and ,are, they, interesting, equally ,for me, specialties. . I like almost all medical specialties and they are equally interesting for me. . Маған барлық медициналық мамандықтар ұнайды және олар маған бірдей қызықты.

4. it will, to cure it, a disease, They, that, it, will, difficult, be, to diagnose, often, sometimes
be even, more, must, difficult, remember. . They must remember that often it will be difficult to diagnose a disease, sometimes it will be even more difficult to cure it . Олар ауруды диагностикалау жиі қиын болатынын есте ұстауы керек, кейде оны емдеу одан да қиын болады.
5. will, But confidence, to gain, doctor, his, best, always, do, his patient's, a good. . But a good doctor will always do his best to gain his patient's confidence. Бірақ жақсы дәрігер әрқашан пациенттің сеніміне ие болу үшін қолдан келгеннің бәрін жасайды.
6. subjects, the students, Altogether, numerous, and special, and, pass, or tests, theoretical, in all of them, study, examinations.

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