Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

Exercise 29. Make up your own story about biotechnologies and environmen-

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Exercise 29. Make up your own story about biotechnologies and environmen-
tal problems according to the following points of the plan. The words and 
phrases are supposed to make your story logical and interesting.
 What Is Biotechnology?
Biotechnology is
It is derived from 
It is associated with 
. Biotechnological Areas 
Healthcare/red biotechnology plays 
Agricultural/green biotechnology provides 
Industrial/white biotechnology uses 
. Bio-based Products
In construction, we see 
In household application, there is 

In the chemical industry, there are 
Biofuel is produced from 
The Main Biotechnological Techniques 
DNA/RNA deals with 
Proteins and other molecules are produced by 
Process biotechnology techniques include 
Nanobiotechnology comes up with 
Bioinformatics constructs
Exercise 30. Write an e-mail to your friend about your participation in the work-
shop on biotechnology.
Exercise 31. Compile information about biotechnology. Present the project to 
your group. You may use the following websites: www.industry.gov.au, www.
fosters.com.au, www.oecd.org, www.ec.europa.eu
Exercise 32. Make a summary of the text using the following phrases: 
1. The title of the text is… 
2. The text is about… The text deals with… 
3. The text covers such points as… first… second… third… 
4. It should be underlined that… 
5. In conclusion, I may say that… 
6. To my mind… In my opinion…
The so-called ‘white biotechnology’ is a broad and expanding field that 
makes use of new enzymes for a variety of industrial applications, embraces 
the manufacture of non-oil-based and biodegradable bioplastics and biofu-
els, as well as artificial fibres. The process works by transforming biomass — 
e.g. agricultural (by)products, organic waste, algae — into biofuels and bio-
based chemicals, in the same way as crude oil is used as feedstock in the 
production of chemicals and fuels. Industrial biotechnology encompasses 
many waste treatments and abatement of pollution, using microorganisms and 
plants, known as bioremediation.
Biofuel production is part of white biotechnology. Ethanol, a biofuel, 
is produced from renewable raw materials. Today, starch from corn, sugar-
cane, sugar beet and wheat are the main feedstocks. It is transformed into 

ethertiobutylether (ETBE) — a mixture of isobuthylene, a by-product of the 
oil industry, and ethanol — before being mixed with petrol. Bioethanol, bio-
diesel, and biobutanol can provide alternatives to fossil fuels in transportation 
sector, particularly for internal combustion engines, and potentially could help 
car manufactures meet their commitment on reducing CO
emissions that are 
used to produce ethanol as a substitute for gasoline. Another established sector 
is the production of fine chemicals, such as amino acids, lipids, organic acids, 
vitamins, etc.
In the chemical industry, an important step in increasing the share of bio-
based chemicals is the creation of biotechnological platform intermediates 
based on the use of renewable carbon sources. In this way, renewable feed-
stocks can be transformed into a similar set of end-products (organic chemi-
cals) which are produced today from fossil fuel. Bio-based products already 
existing on the market include biopolymer fibers used both in construction and 
in household applications, biogradable plastics, some antibiotics, vitamins, 
amino acids and other fine chemicals. 
‘White’ biotechnology, or industrial and environmental biotechnology, 
may now only seem to occupy a small niche. Some analysts are currently com-
paring the current status of biotechnology to that of chemistry in the 1870s, 
when chemists were applying their new knowledge to a limited range of ap-
plication. However, because of its enormous promise and potential, it may 
become as ubiquitous as the chemical industry today. 

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