Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

Exercise 29. Make up your own story about different types of education accord-

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Exercise 29. Make up your own story about different types of education accord-
ing to the following points of the plan. The words and phrases are supposed 
to make your story logical and interesting.
1. What Is Education?
Education includes
People gain
There are
2. Informal Education
Informal education involves
Children learn to speak
Children learn to eat
People get
They may visit
They may watch

3. Formal Education
People enter
They come
They take
Learners earn
4. Different Kinds of Formal Education
General education aims
Vocational education prepares
Most countries offer 
Adult education programmes are provided for
Exercise 30. Write a letter to your friend about your university.
Exercise 31. Compile information about some universities in the UK and USA 
and participate in a project. Present the project to your group. You may use 
the following website: www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings 
Exercise 32. Make a summary of the text using the following phrases: 
1. The title of the text is… 
2. The text is about… The text deals with… 
3. The text covers such points as… first… second… third… 
4. It should be underlined that… 
5. In conclusion, I may say that… 
6. To my mind… In my opinion…
The university was established on January 25, 1755 by a decree of Russian 
Empress Elizabeth. January 25 is still celebrated as the Students’ Day in Russia. 
Originally it was allocated in the Principal Medicine Store on the Red Square, 
and then the university was transferred by Catherine the Great to the pre-
sent neoclassical building on the other side of the Mokhovaya Street. In 1940 
the university was renamed in honour of its founder Mikhail Lomonosov.
At present the main faculties are situated on Vorobjevy Gory. The build-
ing was designed by architect Lev Vladimirovich Rudnev. The main building 
of Moscow State University was by far the largest. It was also the tallest build-

ing in Europe at that time. The central tower (240m and 36-stories high) was 
flanked by four huge wings of student and faculty accommodations. It contains 
a total of 33 kilometers of corridors and 5,000 rooms. The star on the top is 
large enough to provide a small room and a viewing platform; it weighs 12 tons.
There are a lot of faculties now, such as Faculty of Mechanics and Math-
ematics, Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Psychology, 
Faculty of Foreign Languages, etc.

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