Экзаменационный материал (вопросы, билеты, тесты)

B.Many stomach diseases are associated with infection

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2СД жалпы сұрақтар жауабымен 2021-2022 (1) (копия)

B.Many stomach diseases are associated with infection.
C.Many stomach associated with diseases are infection.
D.Many diseases are stomach associated infectionwith.
E.Many diseases are associated with stomach infection.
4. Тематикалық топқа жатпайтын сөзді көрсетіңіз:

A. gastritis
B. Helicobacter pylori
D. tea
E. cancer

5. Сұраққа жауап беріңіз: Can gastritis and stomach cancer be caused Helicobacter pylori infection?
A.Gastritis and stomach cancer can be caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.
B.Cancer is often treated with some combination of, and.
C. Microbiologists often rely on extraction or detection of
D.Virology is the study – submicroscopic, parasitic particles of genetic material contained in a protein coat – and virus-like agents.
E.Gastritis and stomach cancer can not be caused by infection.
6. Past Perfect шағында тұрған қажетті болымсыз етістікті қойыңыз:
The man was hit by a red car. The driver … (see) him.

A.was had saw
B.will have seen
C.had not seen
D. is seeing
E. has not seen him

7. Past Perfect шағында тұрған қажетті болымсыз етістікті қойыңыз:
Tamsin was happy to see John again. They … (meet) for a long time.

A.is meeting
B.will have met
C.was had met
D. had not met
E. have not met

8. Past Perfect шағында тұрған қажетті болымсыз етістікті қойыңыз:
Derrick was very tired. He … (sleep) at all.

A. will have slept
B. had not slept
C. was had slept
D. is sleeping
E. has not slept

9. Past Perfect шағының жасалу жолын көрсетіңіз:

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