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taubaeva sh

Taubayeva Sharkul was bom in 1947 at Akkum station in 
Zhanakorgan region of Kyzylorda city. In 1965 she graduated from 
Kyzylorda Women's Pedagogical School named after M. Mametova 
with honors.
In 1969 she graduated from the historical faculty of KazPI 
named after Abay in the specialty "history", received a diploma with 
In 1969-1971 she worked as a teacher of primary classes and the 
history of the boarding school No. 3 of the Zhanakorgan region of 
the Kyzylorda city. In 1971-1974 she studied at the post-graduate 
course of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abay. From 
1977 to 1986 she worked as a methodologist of the cabinet of 
humanitarian subjects, head of the cabinet for introducing the best 
practices of the Central Institute for Teacher Improvement. In 1985- 
1988 she studied in the correspondence postgraduate study of the 
laboratory for studying the best practices of the Institute of Theory 
and History of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of 
the USSR.
In 1986-1991 he was a junior researcher in the information 
department, a senior research assistant in the didactics sector, a 
scientific secretary of the Coordination Department of the I. 
Altynsarin Pedagogical Research Institute. In 1991-1993 she worked 
as a senior teacher of the Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology of the 
Central Institute for Teacher Improvement. In 1993-1998, he was a 
scientific secretary, deputy director of the Kazakh Institute of 
Problems of Education named after I. Altynsarin.
Managed a methodological seminar of researchers, graduate 
students and doctoral students. During these years she organized 
work on the implementation of the "Target Program for the 
preparation of textbooks and teaching and methodological complexes 
for secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan", approved by 
the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 26, 
1996, № 1173.

соавтор хрестоматии к учебнику «Ана тілі» для начальных 
классов, методических пособий по истории для старших 
классов, учебников «Педагогика тарихы (Білім беру жэне 
педагогикалық ойлар тарихы)» и «Әлеуметтік педагогика». 
Автор ряда книг по педагогической инноватике, передовому 
опыту и дидактике. Специалист в области общей и нормативной 
методологии, педагогического науковедения.
Под руководством Ш. Таубаевой защищено 8 докторских и 
14 кандидатских диссертаций, 3 докторских диссертаций (PhD). 
Оппонировала 46 диссертационных работ.

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