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Questions for self-control

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Questions for self-control:
1. What is the subject of discipline "anti-corruption education"?
2. Achievement of the objectives provided any study of "anti-corruption education"?
3. What problems are solved in the study course "anti-corruption education"?
4. What are the methods used in the study and investigation of the problems of anti-corruption education?
5. What characteristic of interdisciplinary communication course "Anti-corruption education"?

Recommended reading:

  1. Ударцев С.Ф. Конституция и правовое регулирование образования // Роль Конституции Республики Казахстан в обеспечении законности, прав и свобод граждан: Материалы круглого стола, посвященного 7-летию принятия действующей Конституции Республики Казахстан, г. Алматы, 22 августа 2002 года. – Алматы, 2002. – С.113-116.

  2. Ударцев С.Ф. О правовой политике в области образования // Правовая реформа в Казахстане. 2001, № 12. – С.59-64.

  3. Кунхожаева Г.Н. Государственное управление в сфере образования РК: перспективы и развитие // Актуальные проблемы гражданского и трудового права: Материалы международной научно-теоретической конференции, г. Алматы, 26 апреля 2006 года. – Алматы: КазНПУ имени Абая, 2006. - С. 38-45.

  4. Чашников В.А. Антикоррупционное образова- ние в органах внутренних дел Российской Федерации (на примере Уральского юридического института МВД РФ) // Право и образование. - 2015 г. - № 3. – С.76-80.

5. Стефан Р. Хайнеман. Образование и коррупция // Народное образование. - №9. – 2004. – С. 26-29.

Theme 2. The concept of corruption
1. The origin of the term "corruption"
2. The historical roots of corruption
3. Consequences of corruption
1. The origin of the term "corruption"

The term "corruption" comes from the Latin word "sorruptio", which means the venality and corruption of officials and politicians, as well as the direct use of an official of his official position for personal gain.

Criminologists, ie scientists, specifically studying crime as a socially significant phenomenon and develop methods of dealing with it, defines corruption as the fusion of state structures with the structures of the criminal world in the field of economy, as well as bribery and corruption of public and political figures.

Political analysts believe that corruption - a criminal activity in the sphere of politics and public administration is the use of officials, politicians, military officials of his official position in the interests of personal enrichment.

Lexical (or grammatical) interpretation of corruption is different from the above definitions, depending on whether, for a social form of the state, this definition applies. For example, SI Ozhegov phenomenon of corruption linked only with the capitalist form of social relations. In his "Dictionary

of Russian Language" (1968 edition), he wrote: "Corruption - in the bourgeois countries: bribery bribes, corruption of officials and politicians."

Misconception S.I.Ozhegova is that corruption - a vice not only bourgeois society and state. In modern conditions, corruption affected the vast majority of countries around the world, regardless of the forms of social relations. Corruption took place in the socialist state, for example, in the USSR, and in its composition and in the Kazakh SSR, now - the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The concept of "corruption offenses" is not a criminal, it defines the concept of a collective rather large range of offenses ranging from disciplinary, administrative, legal and ending with criminal law.
The rules of law governing relations in connection with corruption offenses, referred to anti-corruption rules.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted special laws to combat corruption. In addition, Kazakhstan is a party to several international instruments on cooperation and legal assistance in the organization and implementation of the fight against corruption.

For the first time the term "corruption offenses" was included in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan July 4, 2014, together with its acceptance. In modern conditions, from 1 January 2015, the country has a new Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which provides for Chapter 15 "corruption and other criminal offenses against the interests of public service and public administration."

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