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Theme 4. Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Theme 4.
Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1. General Strategy
2. The purpose and objectives of the Strategy
3. Measures against corruption

  1. General Strategy

Political strategy, as it is known - is a long-term, forward-looking policy framework, political action, shares. The strategy gives policy social orientation, stability, improve its efficiency. Policy strategy developed to address long-term tasks of public life, reveals the necessary, in-depth development trends, opens the door, forms the fundamental social objectives *.

Thus, the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan - is an act of long-term action, identifies the most important problems, solutions, purpose and objectives, expected results.

The Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 years approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 26, 2014 №986 **.

Structurally it consists of five sections: 1. Introduction; 2. Analysis of the current situation; 3. The purpose and objectives; 4. Key areas, the main
* См.: Казахстанская политологическая энциклопедия. – Алматы, 1998. – С. 346.
** Казахстанская правда, 2014г., 30 декабря.
approaches and priorities for action; 5. Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Strategy.The adoption of the Anti-Corruption Strategy was preceded by a large-scale document "Strategy" Kazakhstan - 2050 ": new political course established state" *, adopted December 15, 2012.

This document contains a very important provision: "The state and society should stand united against corruption. Corruption - is not just an offense. It undermines confidence in the effectiveness of the state and is a direct threat to national security. We must dramatically strengthen the fight against corruption, including by improving anti-corruption legislation, in order to achieve our ultimate goal - to stamp out corruption as a phenomenon. "

The development of the situation in his address to the nation on January 17, 2014 "Kazakhstan's way - 2050: The overarching goal, common interests, common future" President of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation NA Nazarbayev said: "The most important task - to continue formation and implementation of the new anti-corruption strategy." ** To solve this problem, the Head of State had instructed the government to develop a set of proposals for an anti-corruption strategy.

Pursuant to the above documents has been developed and approved by the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 years.

In Section 2, "Analysis of the current situation,"
* Казахстанская правда, 2012г., 15 декабря.
** Казахстанская правда, 2014г., 18 января.

stated: positive trends in the field of combating corruption; problems to be solved; the main factors contributing to corruption.

On the positive trends in combating corruption in the context of this strategy are recognized:

- The adoption by the Republic of Kazakhstan was the first CIS countries to the Law "On Combating Corruption" (1998.);

- The adoption of the Republic of Kazakhstan Law "On Civil Service" (1999.);
- The adoption and implementation starting in 2001, a number of state programs to combat corruption;

- Provided in the Concept of Legal Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period 2010 to 2020 the implementation of measures to tighten the legal responsibility of officials for the commission of corruption offenses;

- The creation of performance evaluation system, and external quality assurance for public services;

- Creation of favorable conditions for business activity;

- Increase the level of automation of public procurement.
As indicated in the Strategy as a whole, these positive trends have allowed Kazakhstan to the level of anti-corruption activities to occupy a leading position in Central Asia and the CIS.
The strategy formulated problems to be solved.

The problems include:

- Lack of effectiveness of identifying and minimizing the risk of corruption in the mechanism of state regulation;

- Lack of transparency in decision-making affecting the most important issues of public life;

- Lack of proper civilian control of public opinion and in the work of the state apparatus;

- Insufficient use of the potential anti-corruption legislation of Kazakhstan;

- The lack of consistency in the prevention of corruption;
- Lack of work to improve the level nya legal culture and legal education of citizens.

The main factors contributing to corrupt practices, identified as follows:

- Imperfection of sectoral laws;

- Lack of transparency in public and corporate governance;
- The preservation of the corruption risks associated with direct contact officials with the population in the provision of public services;
- Low level of legal culture of the population;
- The lack of a comprehensive and targeted outreach to form anti-corruption model of behavior of citizens and social atmosphere of rejection of corruption;
- Inadequate wages social categories of civil servants and social security in the public service.

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