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A peer A) who attends a debate receives salary in addition to traveling expenses

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A peer A) who attends a debate receives salary in addition to traveling expenses

A person who leaves for another place without permission.B) a runaway
After .. two days … about where .. for our holidays, we decided .. anywhere. Spending, arguing, to go, not to go
After failing his driving test four times, he finally trying to pass.C)gave up
After the alien spacecraft had hovered over the park for a short while, it vanished.B) disappeared
All agree that the Stars and Stripes originated as the result of a resolution offered by the …. Committee of the 2-nd Continental Congress at Philadelphia and adopted on June 14, 1777A)Marine All children in the UK are offered vaccinations against key diseases as part of the national child-
immunization schedule. - ful
All children in the UK are offered vaccinations against key diseases as part of the national child immunization schedule. –ment
Although some jobs are still dominated by one or other sex it is not because of sexual discrimination, but because men and women are attracted to different jobs.A) basically
Amongst music-lovers in Britain — and indeed, in many other countries — the period between is a
time of excitement, of anticipation, of great enthusiasm.B) July and September 21
Angela is good with animals.A) amazingly
Answer the question using the word in brackets: Whose T-shirt is this? (Andy) It’s Andy’s Answer the question: What are you looking forward to? I’m looking this word up Answer the question: Which of the expressions is out of order?A) Give him a good lesson. Answer the question:What is the largest state in the USA? E)Alaska.
As if him I turned and stared into his face.A) obeying
At nine o’clock yesterday morning we for the bus.Were waiting.
Axis D) axes
Ben would have studied medicine if he to a medical school.D) had been admitted
Bureau E)Bureaus
Change the Direct Speech into the Indirect Speech.“I will come tomorrow and finish the work,” the worker said to me.The worker promised he would come the next day and finish the work.
Change the Direct Speech into the Indirect Speech.“I will come tomorrow and finish the work,” the worker said to me.E) The worker promised he would come the next day and finish the work.
Choose an antonym to:Attend (v)to miss classes
Choose an appropriate preposition: Cats are afraid….dogs. Of
Choose an appropriate preposition:We are proud ... our countr y.Of.
Choose antonym to the underlined words.The mother gave her sun a shilling to spend at his discretion.D)Indiscretion
Choose antonyms to the underlined words.Such a matter a girl can be allowed to arrange for herself.Forbidden
Choose one alternative for the underlined word or phrase:What's the time? - It's a quarter to seven.6:45
Choose the lexically correct equivalent for the Russian ' еще' They are ... talking.Still
Choose the adjective: Change.
Choose the antonym to the word: Slow Fast
Choose the antonym to the word: Work Relax
Choose the antonyms to the underlined words. Such a matter a girl can be allowed to arrange for himself.B)Forbidden

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Вот например 1 вариант лексико грамматического блока 2015 года
There are many in the library.dictionaries She asked: "Would you like banana?"a
His book was published abroad.father-in-law's Sally sat down on chair.a
Our younger son doesn't want to be a lawyer like his.elder These people are .the Germans
cups of coffee are drunk every day globally.two billion Where does walk finish?.the twenty kilometer Kairat has lived in Astana 1998.Since
It is raining.heavily
Aiman came from Kazakhstan to visit Jack. liked American television.She I believe you but there are who doubt.those
of the restaurants he went to was expensive.neither
The flats are very expensive. student in the world could possibly afford such a high rent.No
Montanelli entered the room where Arthur for him at the supper table.was waiting
It's been ages my last meal, and I am very hungry.since
Choose the correct verb form:At this time next week I a report on environment pollution issues at a conference in Geneva.will be giving
Choose the correct answer:How many cars... in the accidents on this road so far?have been damaged Choose the correct modal verb:I am feeling sick. I eaten so much ice cream last night.shouldn't have Choose the correct form of the Infinitive:I can't go out now. I'm waiting.for my son to come
Choose the correct answer:It is worth ... that the Irish were given a vote on enlargement.remembering Choose the correct answer: the classroom, he found all the pupils sitting at their desks and revising their homework.Entering
Christmas people give each other presents.At I'll see you next Friday.-
Choose the right conjunction.I saw many places of interest I was in Washington.when Choose the correct answer:My little daughter her classes at 10:00.starts
Choose the correct answer: far is it from here?how
Choose the right sentence:was afraid of being late,so I decided to hurry
Find the right sentence:Ask your mother when lunch will be ready
Choose the correct sentence:enough food /have / to stay / we / in the camp / one more day /didn't.We didn't have enough food to stay in the camp one more day.
Change into reported speech:"He is ill", I think.She thought that he was ill. If I'd listened more carefully to his directions, I got lost.wouldn't have

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