Ассоциации «общенациональное движение «бобек» конгресс ученых казахстана


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The technology (method) of expanding the active vocabulary at school is based on the 
following provisions (principles): 
1. Mastering program lexical units should be based on both cognitive and actual 
communicative motivation. 
2. The adequacy of the exercises to the formed lexical actions (remembering, 
combination, grammatical formulation of the word, including the word in the maximum 
3. Gradual formation of particular actions to be mastered with the word of the language 
being studied. The work is carried out first on separate isolated actions under non-variable 
conditions, then under changing conditions. Next, a combination of lexical actions is carried out 
among themselves. 
4. Accounting for the interaction of different exercises on the formation of the lexical, 
phonetic and grammatical side of speech. 
5. Accounting for the interaction of oral-speech forms of vocabulary development with 
the development of reading technique, writing technique, the implementation of interconnected 
learning for different types of speech activity [Ariyan 2018: 116]. The formation of a lexical skill 
occurs in several stages. The traditional point of view is the allocation of three stages in the 
formation of a lexical skill: familiarization, training and speech practice. The most important 
tasks of this stage are the introduction and semantization of vocabulary. These processes are 
carried out through a system of certain connections inherent in a particular word. R.K. Minyar-
Beloruchev distinguishes the following connections of words: denotative, situational, 
significative, background, sign and semantic. 
Denotative connections presuppose the connections of a new lexical unit with the object 
of the reality around us. Situational connections are connections lexical unit with the situations in 
which they should be used. Significative connections are understood as the connections of a 
lexical unit with its lexical concepts.
Background connections are necessary to create a high-level information stock for 
students. Sign connections imply connections between the lexical unit of the language being 
studied and other linguistic signs, among which are the signs of the native language. Semantic 
connections underlie the selection of lexical material. 
The second stage, situational, involves the training and assimilation of words. This stage 
is aimed at consolidating and expanding the above connections of lexical units.Improving the 
lexical skill ends with the practical use of all types of speech activity, which is the third variable-
situational stage [Romanenko 2017: 188].
More detailed sequence of stages is presented by E.I. Passova: 
1. the stage of understanding the meaning of the word (there is a formation of a 
mechanism for correlating the word with the image of the object); 
2. stage of imitation (a mechanism for correlating auditory and speech traces is being 
3. stage of designation (the necessary associative links of the word with the subject 
4. the stage of combination (the mechanism of compatibility of lexical units develops); 
5. stage of use (the mechanism of situational choice of a word is being improved) [Passov 
1977: 98].
To master and activate the vocabulary of students, it is advisable to use various 
techniques of the methodology. They concern not only the semantization of the meaning of the 
word, but also other aspects of the study lexical side of the language. Consider some ways of 
mastering and enhancing vocabulary. Pictorial visualization Assimilation of the meaning of a 
word through the demonstration of designated objects and phenomena [Feldshtein 1995: 166]. 

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