«СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ДОСТИЖЕНИЯ И ТЕНДЕНЦИИ ХИМИИ И ХИМИЧЕСКОЙ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В XXI ВЕКЕ» «XXI ҒАСЫРДАҒЫ ХИМИЯ ЖӘ НЕ ХИМИЯЛЫҚ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯНЫҢ ЗАМАНАУИ ЖЕТІСТІКТЕРІ МЕН ТЕНДЕНЦИЯЛА РЫ» 2 секция. Бейорганикалық заттардың химиясы мен химиялық технологиясының өзекті мәселелері мен жетістіктері өзекті мәселелері мен жетістіктері 2 секция. Актуальные проблемы и достижения химии и химической технологии неорганических веществ FORMATION OF ELECTRODES FOR LITHIUM ION BATTERIES USING AN AQUEOUS BINDERS ABDRAKHMANOVA A. B.
PhD student, Shakarim University, Semey SABITOVA A. N.
PhD, Shakarim University, Semey Currently, lithium-ion batteries are one of the most widely used
power sources in military, medical, household and industrial electronic
devices [1]. To date, this type of chemical current sources has the highest
specific energy, but this is not enough even for existing equipment. In
order to achieve the best specific characteristics, research in this area
does not stop and to this day new materials are being searched for, as
well as modification of already used materials.
When examining the electrode, it is known that each of its
components (active material, conductive carbon material, current
collector and binder) has a huge contribution to the performance of the
device as a specific capacity, multiple cycling, high-quality charge/
discharge process, etc. The mass fraction of the polymer binder content
in the composite electrode is very small, however, this component plays
a very important role for the electrochemical parameters of devices.
To date, the most common polymer binder for electrochemical energy
storage is polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), which, in turn, dissolves
in small types of solvents, and one of them used in the manufacture of
electrodes is N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone [2,3]. This solvent is toxic to the
body, therefore, various polymers that dissolve in more environmentally
friendly solvents are being studied, and as an example, aqueous polymers
can be identified that show quite good results, however, they are much
cheaper, more environmentally friendly, and also make the electrode
manufacturing process faster [4,5]. The purpose of this work was to
develop the technology of forming electrodes using an aqueous solvent
and various carbon conductive additives, as well as to study their effect
on the specific characteristics of electrode materials.
During research the forming technology of positive (based on
) and negative electrodes (based on Li4Ti
and graphite)
using aqueous solvents (styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) and
carboxymethylcellulose (CMC)) was optained: the optimal composition
was found, homogeneous electrode coatings were obtained. In order to
understand the behavior of aqueous polymers, more precisely styrene-
butadiene rubber and carboxymethylcellulose, electrodes based on them
were obtained separately. The obtained electrode surfaces after drying
using these polymers turned out to be not homogeneous, cracked and
had poor adhesion to aluminum foil, these are samples with a coating
thickness of 400 µm. To solve this problem, it was decided to use these
polymers together in a 1:1 ratio. Since SBR has good elasticity, viscosity,
and CMC - strength. However, it was not possible to obtain satisfactory
Galvanostatic cycling of cells was performed on an 8-channel
analyzer of MTI-BST8-MA power supplies in the voltage range 2-4 V.
The charge/discharge current of the cell was set at the rate of 10 mA
per gram of cathode coating. Figure 1 shows the discharge curves of
cells with a positive electrode based on LiFePO4 and various polymer
binders (4% by weight): SBR, CMC and SBR:CMC. The discharge
current is 10 mA/g.
According to this graph (Figure 1), it can be seen that the sample
using SBR as a polymer binder showed the lowest capacity. The sample
with СMC showed the highest capacity.
Despite the fact that the sample using CMC has a higher capacity,
it cannot be used only when creating a composite electrode, because
the electrodes with large thicknesses will crack strongly and have poor
adhesion to aluminum foil. The best option is to use these two polymers
together, despite a slight loss of capacity.