П. М. Кольцов т.ғ. д., профессор, Қалмақ мемлекеттік д и. н., профессор, Калмыцкий

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U.Т. Аkhmetova - Doctor of Historical Science
West Kazakhstan State University after M. Utemisov (Uralsk)
Е-mail: Ulzhan.axmetova.67@mail.ru

The history of Kazakhstan and Iosif Antonovich Kastanye

Abstract. The article is considering the scientific activity of the French scientist I.A. Castanie in the beginning of the 20-th century, who was a member of the Scientific archives Commission in Orenburg. In his studies I.A. Castano paid great attention to the archeological and ethnographic issues.
Key words: archaeology, ethnography, history, archive.

Iosif Antonovich Kastanye was famous for his research works. He is a French scientist, who dealt with research and collection of ancient monuments of Kazakh history. In 1901 he came to Orenburg, where he worked as a teacher of French in the gymnasium for men and in the cadet corps after Nepluyev. That year he began to take part in the social and scientific life of the city. The summary of this research work “The History of Para (Brazil) published in the bulletin of the scientific council in Santiago and the investigation extracts of the Ethnographic Museum Director Geld” which had been published in the “Works” of Orenburg Scientific Archives Committee (Works of OSAC – U.A.) was delivered at a regular meeting on the 3rd of December in 1903. The scientist reports that the origin of the American Indians is in the focus of his attention. According to the investigation results, the similarity of the first inhabitants of America with the nation that is similar to Mongols. Due to Geld’s scientific data the Indians lived on the banks of the river Kunan. By the investigation results of two artificial caves that were called “yaka” the things found that at the cemeteries of Orenburg province in Russia were like those of the caves. For instance, the stone axes made of nephrite and other things that were similar to those of neolith epoch attract the scientists’s attention [1, pp. 171-173].
The scientist points out to the fact that similarities in the history of Kazakh people and American Indians take place.
I.A.Kastanye worked more than 10 years as a member of Orenburg Scientific Archives Committee and he was busy with collecting scientific information about Kazakh ancient monuments and systematized them.
By the permission of Archeological Committee of St.Petersburg and according to the task given by the OSAC, he started to fulfill archeological research works in Torgai oblast.
In accordance with the order №322 of May 24, 1904 the Archeological Committee sent a letter to the head of the department that led the construction jobs in the northern part of Orenburg-Tashkent railway. The letter read that the proper member of Archeological Committee, I.A. Kastanye had been sent on a mission to Torgai oblast to do archeological targets. In connection with it, they asked to give him a constant admission card from June 1 to August 10, 1904 in the northern part of Orenburg-Tashkent railway. In this regard the head of the department of the Orenburg-Tashkent railway informed the Head of the Orenburg Archives Committee that he would provide I.A. Kastanye with the 11 class free ticket by the order of №2029 of June 2, 1904 for the train №136 for a year [3, p-59].
I.A. Kastanye became the member of Orenburg Scientific Committee in 1902 and worked in the body of archeological expedition in Kazakh steppes, he also worked as a museum keeper and an assistant Head Commission in the years 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1909, 1911.
In 1904 Kastanye chose the nearest uezd Aktobe in his first trip to Kazakh land. There were 7 historical places: Karsaqbas in Elek bolus, the castles on the coast Baisholak, Shieli cave in Aktobe uezd, the ancient Shieli monuments which are given in the form of plaited stones, Ashysai burial mound in Aktobe bolus, the burial mound near the Zhaman Kargaly, the grave twisting three long lengths of stones near the coast of Zhaksy Kargaly and he researched these places [4, p-188].
The scientist made a report on his trip that in June, 1904 he went to Turkestan from Orenburg [5, p-176]. This trip was in Tashkent and Samarkand across the Kazakh land and then he returned back. After this trip at the regular meeting on March 9, 1905 he made an album of photos which were taken there in the report and handed in his papers [6, p-250].
Kastanye took a photo camera with him during the trip in order to collect a lot of documents about Kazakh history. His photos which were taken in Turkistan journey, such as “Kyrgyz council”, “Church in Aktobe”, “The house of a rich Kazakh”, “The Kazakh school in nomad’s tent”, “Kazakh steppe”, “Kazakh girls”, “A horseman”, “Steppe Journey”, “Ploughing”, “Mullahs” describe Kazakh life in the 20th century. Those photographies belong to the group of valuable photo documents.
At a regular meeting held on May 13, 1905 the Head of the Committee A.B.Popov asked to give him 15-20 roubles to finish the archeological expedition. They understood the importance of the archeological investigations and came to the conclusion to provide them with money.
On September 9, 1909 Kastanye made a report “Archeological works in Aktobe in the summer of 1909”. He made a speech about some excavates of ancient monuments. Then he gave in a scull of a human being and different things made of copper and iron, which were found during the expeditions [7, p-308].
Later, in his work “Ancient monuments of the Kyrghyz steppe and the Orenburg region” the investigations conducted on the Kazakh land and the work of the researchers of this region was collected, and was published in 1910 in Orenburg. I.A.Kastanye in the introduction of his work clearly pointed out: "ancient monuments of Torgai, Ural, Akmolinsk, Semipalatinsk regions, the Bokei Horde of the Astrakhan province were included in this work and also some parts of Syrdarya region after the order of 1868 and this work was written only till 1911 [8, p-1].
I.A.Kastanye, later, in the letter written to M. Shokai about his work he remembers: “living among you, having witnessed grief and hopes, I admired the Kyrgyz-Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Tatars, Uzbeks and other people. I dedicated the book “Antiquities of the Kirghiz steppe and the Orenburg region” and other my books to courageous Turkic and Mongolian tribes which take a special place in the history”, - expressed his opinion [9, p-9]. Further, studying I.A.Kastanye's help to the activity of the commission, we learn that, in 1911 the chairman assistant I.A.Kastanye having made the list of a paleontology department of a museum, made the catalog of medals and money of the museum [10, p-17].
If we look for the facts about the private life of I.A.Kastanye who studied the ancient history of the Kazakh steppes and devoted several articles, we find very little information. We may find some information about the author in the articles of the historian K. Esmagambetov.
I.A.Kastanye whom we know - the French scientist Joseph-Antoine Kastanye was born in 1875 in a small town Gayak, in France. In 1899 he moved to Russia, and lived for two years in the Caucasus [9, p-9]. He brought great benefit, having participated in the work of Orenburg Scientific Archive Commission.
At the regular meeting on October 10, 1912 the chairman of the commission A.V.Popov having read I.A.Kastanye's letter, reported that he was saying goodbye to the members of the archival commission. Connected with it, they sent a letter of thanks to I.A.Kastanye for his great work and benefits in the work of the Commission. In 1912 I.A.Kastanye moved to Turkistan. In Tashkent he joined the Turkistan society of fans of archeology, the next year he was a member of Turkistan department of the Russian imperial geographical society. One of the organizations made contribution in studying of the Kazakh history - Turkistan society of fans of archeology - was a scientific center which was engaged in collecting historic facts about Central Asia, the Southern Kazakhstan and Zhetisu region. I.A.Kastanye in the period of his staying in Tashkent published a set of the works, which had materials about historical monuments and ethnography of the Kazakh steppe. The scientist’s research regarding the Kazakh history can be found in the scientific articles of S.M.Gorshenina.
Thus, I.A.Kastanye's scientific investigations about Kazakhs valuable in the history of Kazakhstan.

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