Тексты аудиозаписей к учебному пособию «Английский язык. 10 класс»

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I: What are you hobbies?
J: Our hobbies aren't even on the same lines. I love cars and everything about them. I can say I know cars really well. He’s good at music. He makes music beats and that sort of stuff. But that's okay because those are the kind of differences that make us such good friends.
I: What’s his best quality?
J: To get an idea of how different we really are you would have to understand how we think, and act towards other people. I feel that Paul is more reasonable than me because I'm pretty thick- headed. Like when one of us has an idea or solution that might not be so good, Paul's usually the one who’ll stop and listen. Not me. With me it's either my way or no way. And I never apologise. I mean I can’t. So I think it's safe to say that Paul is the reasonable one. Regardless of how different we are, we still always have fun. And with a friend that's all that really matters.
Unit 1, lesson 7, ex.2b)

  • Good morning. Can I speak to Emily Trout please?

  • Speaking.

  • Hello, Emily. It’s Lucy Eastwood from Young Volunteers.

  • Hello, Lucy. What can I do for you?

  • You’d like to work for our organization, wouldn’t you? I have to check some details of your application for a volunteer job with our organization. How old are you?

  • Yes, I am. Actually I will be sixteen in a month just before I start working.

  • OK, then. What’s your address?

  • 27 La Jolla Street, San Diego, California.

  • What’s your telephone number?

  • 1-6-1-9-7-7-1-8-5-4-9.

  • What’s your email address?

  • It’s truetrout (all one word)-at-gmail.com

  • What are your special interests?

  • Music, diving and biology.

  • OK. The form says your English is excellent and your Spanish is good.

  • No, sorry, it’s average.

  • English or Spanish?

  • Spanish. My Spanish is average, not good.

  • OK. Do you have any special skills?

  • I play the guitar and the piano. Not very well, but I do. And I have a certificate in diving.

  • Diving? So, it’s not surfing, but diving.

  • What are you good at and what are you not very good at?

  • I’m good at communicating with people. I’m very outgoing, I think. But I can be too outspoken and a little thick-headed, that’s true.

  • Why would you like to work in this project?

  • I’ve always had a pet – everything from dogs to gerbils. Now I have an iguana.

  • Iguana? OK. Thank you, Emily. I’ll call you if you get the job in our animal shelter.

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