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Model United Nations Conference - New Silk Road

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Model United Nations Conference - New Silk Road
dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the accession of
Kazakhstan and the Central Asian countries to the United Nations

24th and 25th February 2017 at the Library of al-Farabi Kazakh National University held an international student conference of the program "Model UN - New Silk Road". The conference was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's accession and the Central Asian countries to the United Nations and it has paid special attention to the work of Kazakhstan in the UN Security Council.

The vote, which is resulted that Kazakhstan is on a temporary basis, elected to the Security Council of the United Nations of the Asia-Pacific Group on June 28, 2016 meeting of the UN General Assembly in New York. Kazakhstan's candidacy was supported by 138 of the 193 countries who took part in the vote.
"Model UN" - is a popular global program which takes place in a brainstorming mode and student conference. This is the best school, opens up a whole world of ideas, opinions, experiences, offering unique opportunities for self-realization and self-expression, validation and development of intellectual and creative abilities, knowledge and creative thinking.
"Model UN - New Silk Road" allows to play back the United Nations work in real time, by the students of different universities of Almaty. On one day, students transform into diplomats act as representatives of the UN. The event was held on four committees:

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