Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс (7-е издание, 2008)

Insufficient Local Knowledge
Ex. 16.
A Londoner who was going to the West of England for a holiday, arrived by train at a town, and found that it was pouring. He called a porter to carry his bags to a taxi. On the way out of the s ation, partly to make conversation and partly to get a local opinion on prospects of weather for his holiday, he asked the porter:
"How long has it been raining like this?"
"I don't know sir, I've only been here for fifteen years," was the reply.
Ex. 12. About the Job
Harry: Well, Robert, have you made up your mind yet what you want to do when you leave college?
Nora: Oh, Harry, surely he's a bit young to decide on his career? be hasn't even got to college yet.
Harry: Not at all, Nora. It's wisest to decide in good time. Look at me, for example. I really wanted to be a sailor, but now I spend my days sitting at a desk in an office. Yes, it's silly to train for the wrong job. And after all, Robert will be going to college soon.
Nora: (musing) Now if I were a man I'd be a farmer. To see the crops growing — that's my idea of a good life.
Harry: Well, you haven't answered my question у at, Robert. What would you like to do?
Nora: (wistfully) Are you sure you don't want to be a farmer, Robert? Or a market gardener?
Rоbert: No I'm sorry, Mum, but I don't want to at all. I'd rather be a civil engineer. I want to build roads and bridges.
Harry: Not ships? Isn't it better to be a shipbuilding engineer?
Robert: (crossly) Look here, is it my career we're planning or yours?
Harry (huffed) All right, all right, there's no need to lose your temper. But you'd better win that scholarship first.

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