Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

Comment on the meaning of the verb ought. Translate the sentences into Russian

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс (7-е издание, 2008)


56. Comment on the meaning of the verb ought. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. I think for your wife and children's sake you ought to have a try. 2. There are people who think they ought to be reformed. 3. We all know that things are not always what they ought to be. 4. You ought to do something, you know; it'll be fatal for you to have nothing to do. 5. Have I said anything I oughtn't? 6. "I ought to have told Soames," he thought, "that I think him comic." 7. I suppose she is right. I oughtn't to have tried to speak to her! 8. By the end of the evening I almost felt that I ought to call him "Uncle Jack." 9. It'll be lovely round there today. — Yes, it ought to be quite nice. 10. It is the last of the Madeira I had from Mr. Jolyon when we came in here; it ought to be in prime condition still.

57. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use ought (oughtn't) followed by a correct form of the infinitive:

E x a m p l e: I felt it would be only proper to follow his advice.
I felt I ought to follow his advice.
1. I knew it would be improper if I opened the letter. 2. I recommended you to finish your work before going out. 3. I advise you not to eat between meals; it will make you fat. 4. I disapprove of your smoking so much; you are wasting your money and doing harm to your health. 5. It's a pity I didn't take those books back to the library last week. 6. It was wrong of you not to tell our guide that you wanted to go sightseeing all by yourself. 7. You didn't wait till the lights were green before crossing the road, and it was wrong, you know. 8. It was unreasonable of you to have crossed the road when the lights were red. 9. I wish you had been there. The performance was wonderful. 10. If he starts at eight he will probably be there by one o'clock.

58. Fill in the blanks with ought, have to, be to or need followed by the appropriate infinitive:

1. Mother always tells me that I ... (to be) more careful. 2. You ... not (to tell) him my telephone number, he knows it. 3. You ... not (to say) that! See how distressed she is. 4.1 don't want to do it, but I.... 5. All the same, I think you ... (to see) a doctor. There must be something the matter with you. 6. Don't forget that you ... (to get up) at seven! 7. But there was no other way out. 1... (to communicate) with him. No one else knew her address. 8. Such things ... not (to be allowed). 9, You ... not (to write) such a long composition. The teacher only asked for 200 words, and you have written 400. 10. "Perhaps I... not (to trouble) you." He closed his lips tight. He was offended.


59. Comment on the meaning of the verb should. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Can you show me any English woman who speaks English as it should be spoken? 2. A wife should obey her husband. 3. Besides you shouldn't cut your old friends now that you have risen in the world. 4. They should be taught a lesson. 5. I confess I did not foresee this turn of events. But I should have foreseen it. 6. You have discovered what I intended you should never have known. 7. He should not have said it. The moment the words crossed his lips he knew it was not the right thing to say. 8. Considerable debate took place between the two sisters whether Timothy should or shouldn't be summoned to see Annette. 9. "You should come here often," he said to Shelton... "You ought to come here often," he repeated to Shelton. 10. You ought to finish your work before going out. — I know I should.

60. State whether should is auxiliary or modal:

1. "So you think I should go, then?" said Randall behind him. 2. At breakfast I told Mary that I should be absent at least four days. 3. I shouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. 4. You really shouldn't have said that, Felix. I'll talk to him myself. 5. How about Pinfold? Shouldn't he be here? 6. Thank God for our Gilbert. What should we do without him? 7. No one knew when I was to be back or if I should be back at all. 8. Felix said hastily, "Forgive me. I shouldn't have troubled you". 9. Nell has just told me you wanted to see me or I shouldn't have troubled you. 10. They had not seen — no one should see her distress, not even her grandfather.

61. Translate the sentences into English, using must, ought, should, need, have to or be to:

1. Извините, что задержал вас, но мне надо было позвонить домой и предупредить, чтобы меня не ждали к обеду. 2. В конце концов мы решили, что нам не следует там дольше оставаться и что нужно отправляться в горы. 3. Ты должна одеться в самое лучшее, я хочу, чтобы ты произвела на всех наилучшее впечатление. 4. Вы должны были приготовить домашнее задание как следует. Тогда бы вам не пришлось задавать подобных вопросов. 5. Напрасно ты ждала столько времени. Тебе бы лучше было оставить мне записку. Я бы сделала все, что ты хотела, 6. Они, должно быть, работают в лаборатории. Не следует им мешать. 7. Почему ты не пришла вчера? — Я должна была встречать двоюродную сестру на вокзале. — Тогда ты должна была бы позвонить, мы бы тебя не ждали. 8. Поступай, как знаешь, я не собираюсь мешать тебе, кроме того, мне предстоит вскоре уехать. 9. Вечер, вероятно, будет интересным. Студенты так долго готовили его. 10. Нет ничего смешного в том, что он сказал. Нужно быть серьезнее. И. Ему придется работать здесь, пока лаборатория ремонтируется. 12. Ты сказал, это шутки ради, а она обиделась. Нужно быть более внимательным к людям. 13. Подготовка к их приезду заняла у нас целый день. Каждому пришлось что-то сделать, 14. Такие люди достойны восхищения. 15. Мне не пришло в голову поговорить с ним, а следовало бы. 16. Не разрешай детям играть в моей комнате. Они перевернут там все вверх дном, а тебе потом придется приводить все в порядок. 17. Вам не нужно было беспокоить профессора. Я мог бы дать вам всю необходимую информацию. 18. Им следовало бы удержать его от такого неразумного шага. Они еще пожалеют об этом. 19. Я точно следую указаниям, которые получила. Я хорошо знаю, с чегомне надо начинать.

62. Comment on the use of should for the sake of emotional colouring. Pay attention to the structure of the sentences and the word combination it is found in:

1. Why should you be different from other men? 2. But why should he take the scanda! on himself? It was not fair! 3. They only want their independence, and why shouldn't they have it? 4. "Do you see much of Randall?" "He practically lives here. But you knew?," "No," said Hugh, He was surprised and annoyed. " Why ever snouid I know?" 5. What do you think ought to be done? — Done? How should I know? 6, "Fresh air!" exclaimed James, "What should I do with fresh air?" 7. M r s. H i g g i n s: But where does the girl live? H i g g i n s: With us, of course. Where should she live? 8. Strange that the dog should die just now! 9. Ironical that Soames should come down here — to this house, built for himself! 10. He heard the nurse crying over there by the fire; curious that she, a stranger, should be the only one of them who cried! 11. It's very interesting that you should say that, Edward — very interesting. 12. It struck her bitterly that she, who had been his first adored, should have to scheme to see him. 13. ... it annoyed him very much that his companion, who was also tired, should grow more cheerful. 14. It's very strange that he should have told you the truth! 15. ... suddenly he heard his name called from behind, and who should ride up to him on either side but Bill Den-nant and Antonia herself!

63. Pay attention to the use of should in subordinate clauses after some verbs and expressions.85 Translate the sentences into Russian:

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