English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

1. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення:

  1. відносно легке психічне захворювання

  2. бути сфокусованим на уявній хворобі

  3. переживати сильний безпричинний страх

  4. втрачати самоконтроль через всепоглинаючий страх.

  5. надмірна стимуляція головного мозку

  6. повна втрата зв’язку з реальністю

  7. позбутися тривожних думок

  8. тримати симптоми неврозів під контролем

  9. включати комплексний підхід

  10. встановлювати довіру і допомагати пацієнтам з неврозами

2. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання:

  1. What are the types of neuroses?

  2. What are the most common symptoms of neuroses?

  3. What do phobias mean?

  4. What includes treatment for neuroses?

  5. What types of drugs can treat neuroses?

3. Розкрийте поняття: неврози

1. Neuroses are … .
a) organic diseases
b) mild mental illnesses
c) caused by organic disease
d) diseases of reproductive system
e) diseases of endocrine system.

2. Physical symptoms of anxiety include … .

a) nausea, palpitations, chest pains, and breathlessness
b) shortness of breath, cough, fever, elevated blood pressure
c) sweating and radical loss of touch with reality
d) vomiting, loss of consciousness
e) fatigue, decreased blood pressure.

3. The most characteristic symptom of phobias is … .

a) fatigue
b) fixation on fire
c) unreasonable fears of smth or smb
d) increased blood pressure
e) palpitation

4. In … a person suffers from intrusive, repetitive, and disturbing thoughts.

a) common neuroses
b) obsessive-compulsive disorder
c) anxiety d) phobias e) pyromania

5. Conversion neuroses are also called …. .

a) obsessive-compulsive disorders
b) hysterical neuroses
c) phobias d) anxiety e) pyromania

6. Somatoform disorders manifest themselves in physical symptoms, such as … that are not caused by organic disease.

a) blindness, paralysis, or deafness
b) pale skin, dilated pupils, and trembling
c) behaviour including rituals such as repetitive hand washing or door locking
d) shortness of breath, cough, fever, elevated blood pressure
e) nausea, palpitations, chest pains, and breathlessness

7. Medications used for treating neurotic disorders include … .

a) antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, and beta-blockers
b) sedatives, statins, and anticonvulsants
c) anti-anxiety drugs, tonics, and beta-blockers
d) tranquilizers, statins and beta-blockers
e) antidepressants, stimulants and analgesics

8. Seek the advice of … before starting a new anti-depression therapy.

a) you family doctor
b) a neurological specialist
c) any practicing physician
d) psechologist
e) therapuitist

9. Meditation, yoga, and special physical exercises are considered to be … for neuroses.

a) a first-line treatment
b) a part of “talk therapy”
c) an additional treatment
d) a part of behavioral therapy
e) a part of cognitive therapy

10. He said he … such restlessness since quite long time.

a) hasn’t experienced
b) hadn’t experienced
c) didn’t experience
d) wasn’t experienced
e) doesn’t experience

11. The anti-anxiety medications … by the end of the next month.

a) will take
b) will be taken
c) will have been taken d) are going to be taken e) shall be taken

12. These disturbances … as stress related concerns.

a) were identified
b) identified
c) had identified d) are identified e) will be identified.

13. Some of common phobias are fear of heights, … spaces and insects.

a) enclosed
b) enclosing
c) enclose d) encloses e) are enclosed

14. The patient noted headache … after mental exertion.

a) occur b) to occur c) occurs
d) is occurred d) occurred

15. People with a weak type of the nervous system … predisposed to neuroses.

a) are seemed to be b) seem to be c) seem to
d) seem e) seemed to be.

16. Cognitive-behavioral therapy … one of the most effective methods for treating neurotic disorders.

a) is believed to be b) believed to be c) believes to be
d) are believed to be e) believe to be

17. … some anxiety is normal in certain situations, such as when sad, angry, or afraid of a specific situation, people with neurosis may experience anxiety for no known reason.

a) until b) while c) unless d) despite e) in spite of

18. Only you can recognize … a medication is right for you after it has been prescribed.

a) when b) until c) if d) as e) which

19. Never feel guilty … telling a doctor to take you off of a medication that you don't think is working.

a) for b) of c) from d) by e) with

20. CBT helps … changing the thinking patterns that create and support fears.

a) with b) by c) as d) to e) from

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