English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text

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Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:
Preventive dentistry includes instruction in oral hygiene, regular inspection and any necessary treatment for prevention and removal of stagnation areas. Instruction in oral hygiene is best given at the chair-side, whilst posters and pamphlets in the waiting room serve as an extra reminder. Patients are told how dental disease arises and how it can be prevented. This entails an explanation of the all-important role of plaque and the effects it produces. The most impressive way of demonstrating plaque on their own teeth is to give patients a disclosing tablet to suck. This contains a dye that stains it bright red. Patients can then see by themselves in a mirror whether they are cleaning their teeth properly. They are then shown how to use a toothbrush correctly, advised to clean their teeth after every meal and warned against snacks between meals. However, they are not likely to heed such advice unless it is practicable. Patients must therefore be told how to clean their teeth when a toothbrush is not available. The best substitute in such cases is a detergent food or plain water mouth rinse.
It must be emphasized that the beneficial effect of cleaning teeth after meals is cancelled out if food debris is continually replaced by frequent snacks between meals.
Prevention is better than cure. Patients should be encouraged to have a regular inspection twice a year. Further instruction can then be given if necessary. Bitewing X-rays are taken at the same time for early diagnosis of caries. These visits will detect incipient dental disease that can be treated far more easily in its earliest stages than later.

Exercise 7. Find equivalents for the following words and word combinations in the text:
Pегулярний огляд; плакати та буклети; найбільш вражвючий спосіб, забарвлювати у яскраво-червоний колір; коли зубна щітка недосяжна; дисципліна харчування; між прийманнями їжі; замість цього; двічі на рік; подальші инструкції; захворювання на ранній стадії; початок захворювання; ушкоджені зуби.

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