Эпоха бронзы, пустынно-степная зона, климат, аридизация, хозяйственная модель

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forest Zone]
. Voronezh: Izdatel’stvo Voronezhskogo GU, 
pp. 47–54. (In Russ.)
Borisov A.V., Mimokhod R.A., Demkin V.A.
, 2011. Palaeosoils 
and natural conditions of the South Russian steppes in 
the post-Catacomb time. Kratkiye soobshcheniya instituta 
arkheologii [Brief communications of the Institute of 
, 225, pp. 144–154. (In Russ.)
Bulatov V.E., 2000. The pattern of seasonal roaming of the 
Kalmycks in the 19
century. Sezonnyy ekonomicheskiy 
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Northwest Caspian Area in the Bronze Age]
. Moscow: GIM, 
pp. 131–142. (Trudy GIM, 120). (In Russ.)
Demkin V.A.
, 1997. Pochvovedenie i arkheologiya 
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nauchno-tekhnicheskoy informatsii Nauchnogo tsentra 
biologicheskikh issledovaniy AN SSSR. 213 p.
Demkin V.A., Borisov A.V., Demkina T.S., Khomutova 
T.E., Zolotareva B.N., Kashirskaya N.N., Udal’tsov 
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, 2010. Volgo-Donskie stepi v 
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Demkin V.A., Demkina T.S., Borisova M.A., Shishlina N.I.

2002. Palaeosoils and environment of Southern Ergeni 
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– 3
millennium BC. Pochvovedenie 
, 6, pp. 343–352. (In Russ.)
: Bronze Age, desert-steppe zone, climate, aridity, economic pattern.
culture based on small cattle, sheep and goat keeping evolved. The reverse process, i.e. the decrease of 
the winter anticyclone in the 18
centuries BC, led to the increase of precipitation, frequent snow-
storms, ice-covered grass, the formation of ice crust and the thickening of the snow layer. In such con-
ditions the number of days suitable for grazing decreases and consequently the livestock is subject to 
weakening and sicknesses which may bring about its total loss. It seems likely that this was the reason 
of a gradual deterioration of post-Catacomb cultures of the desert-steppe zone. On the whole, the well-
known gaps in the desert steppe exploitation in the Bronze Age correlated with the optimization of nat-
ural conditions while the period of the increasing climate aridity saw the heyday of early pastoralism.

Dergachev V.A., Bochkarev V.S.
, 2002. Metallicheskie serpy 
pozdney bronzy Vostochnoy Evropy [Metal Sickles 
of Eastern Europe in the Late Bronze Age]. Kishinev: 
Vysshaya antropologicheskaya shkola. 347 p.
Gak E.I., Kalmykov A.A., Mimokhod R.A.
, 2008. Antimony 
ornaments in the burials of the Lola Culture in the 
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Severnogo Kavkaza [The Reflection of the Civilizational 
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Vladikavkaz: Izdatel’sko-poligraficheskiy tsentr Severo-
osetinskogo instituta gumanitarnykh i sotsial’nykh 
issledovaniy imeni V.I. Abaeva, pp. 119–123. (In Russ.)

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