Est your english. Тест №1 Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный

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English test

7. - - -


man’s, in, found, might, a, time, at, the, was made, are run.



1.c, 2.c,3.b,4.c,5.a


1.a,2.a,3.c,4.c,5.d,6.c7.d,8.d, 9.a,10.d.



4. а)

1. Does the sun move round the Earth?

2. What did she hurt?

3. Why did I have to run faster?

4. Neither of them offered to help you, did they?

5. Can George leave his suitcase here or there?


1. She told me if I went there, I should enjoy myself greatly.

2. I asked Jane what sort of flowers she liked.

3. The manager asked the clerk if he had locked the room.

4. He told the boy to show him the way to the station.

5. He asked, “Mary, when is the next train?”


1. Mr. Brown was looking through the newspaper when the doorbell rang.

2. As it was very late the guests decided to leave the party.

3. During the party there was never pause and the noise grew louder.

4. Sometimes she asked herself who could try to talk to such a cruel man.

5. The front door opened and a thin woman with a pleasant face appeared to greet us.


1. He couldn’t answer the telephone call as he was having a lesson with the pupils.

2. It snows much more often (oftener) than it rains in our town.

3. He seemed not to know the answer to this question.

4. I can’t decide what to do till (until, before) I meet him.

5. This incident (event) is much spoken about.

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