Est your english. Тест №1 Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный

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English test

3. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

1.He didn't expect the trip to last … .

a)along b)so long c)such a long

2.The bicycle … yesterday.

a)was stolen b)stole c)had been stolen

3.He often makes careless mistakes. So the teacher tells him that he … more careful.

a)doesn't have to be b)mustn't be c)has to be

4.Little children … .

a)shouldn't spoil b)shouldn't be spoiled c)shouldn't been spoiled

5.John Smith was in hospital. He … to hospital last week.

a)was taken b)took c)has been taken

6.He had an accident yesterday. He is a … driver.

a)worse b)worst c)bad

7.I … my finger badly a few minutes ago. Have you got a bandage?

a)am cutting b)cut c)have cut

8.Our friends from Liverpool … to see us next morning.

a)are coming b)come c)came

9.The police didn't believe me at first but I … persuade them that I wasn't a criminal.

a)could b)can c)was able

10.You … allow your father to take such a mad step.

a)mustn't b)hadn't to c)don't have

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