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Modern technology of game in teachingEnglish language

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Modern technology of game in teachingEnglish language. 
Games, in my opinion — is the best thing that humanity has in the arsenal of education. The 
words: «Now we’ll take a look …» Some students are introduced to a state of nervous tension, 
some — into a state of apathy, some — just plunged into sleep. The phrase «Let’s play!» Is not only 
relaxing and awakens those who are asleep, but also takes us back to childhood for a few moments, 
where everything was interesting, easy and fun. 
Game — this is not serious, it’s fun, believe adults requiring children: «Come to play, 
whether it seriously.»We are completely forgotten what the game has helped us become what we 
have become.

Anyone who has been «Excellent» in these games, he feels like a fish in water in adult life, 
the rest are either still learn to communicate, or at all «fell» out of life, becoming almost reclusive. 
So what gives games at English lessons? First of all, it helps to overcome the barrier, be it linguistic 
or ordinary fear of intercourse, even in their native language. After the game — it’s not for real, and 
you can indulge yourself. 
The game in the English language will help in the development of grammar, vocabulary, 
pronunciation help hone and even accelerate the process of listening foreign language. In every 
game there is an element of surprise, the element of competition, and we all love to win. Even if 
you win — not the main thing, it really likes to check their strength each. Do not forget that the 
game — a projection situations. 
Let’s begin with a simple. Tongue twisters will be useful at all stages of education. The 
paradox, but adults enjoy «break» language at all stages of language learning, not to mention the 
children. Tongue twisters — it’s a good warm-up before exercise, and staging diction. 
Surprises like? I recommend to play at English lessons in the study of the topic «The 
adjectives in the English language.» It is played with gusto and adults and children. Issued a closed 
black box with two holes on the sides for arms and with an unknown object inside. The leader must 
be touching the object hands to describe it using only adjectives. At the same time, repeat the order 
of adjectives in a sentence. 
When attaching the interrogative sentences will help the game «Guess who I am.»This game 
is applicable to a variety of topics: «Animals», «profession», «House» and many others. The leader 
chooses a card with an inscription on it, and, without reading it, with the help of leading questions 
on trying to figure out what it says. 
Gaming moments in teaching English language is not necessary, because it is — one of the 
components of the success of the class, and most importantly, the easiest way to mastering language 
or recurrence of material. 
Unfortunately, in real condition it is still difficult for teachers to encouragetheir students to 
learn English because of some reasons, they are: the shyness of students in performing their ability, 
large students in a class, and practically thestudents are not exposed to hear and use English 
everywhere and all the time.Since language learning is a hard task, teachers are now faceda big 
challenge tofind techniques and ways so that the students can be active in learning English. 
One of the techniques that can be used is by using games(Richards &Rodgers, 2001). By 
using games teachers will create an atmosphere that willenhance the students’ desire to learn the 
language. The students learn better whenthey have the feeling that they are making progress and 
games provideopportunity for students to practice andomit their fear. 
Games for assessing the students. Based on the interview with the teacher and the observation, 
there were some games used to assess the students. These games were: 
Jeopardy. This game was adopted from television quiz showandadopted intolanguagegamefor 
educational tool.The rules of this game were simple. Teacher wouldshow a board consisted of some 
categories. Each category had different value.The students had to choose one of the categories and 
the teacher then revealed theclues (question) hidden. The students had to answer it to get the 
score.Theobjectives of this gameare: to find synonyms, to find antonyms, and to answer questions 
related to the text such as the main ideas, the characters ofstory,andtheorganization structure of the 
Guess the Word. Guess the word was originally created to improve students’ vocabularymastery. 
The teachers modified the game so it can be used to assess the studentsto find synonym or antonym 
or words, analyzing the structure of a text,andunderstanding a text.The rules of the game were 
simple: the class was dividedinto some groups and each group would play at one time, each group 
will be given eight words and they had to be guessed in 5 minuteswith clues givenby the team,the 
clue given should not use the word which was being guessed. 
Games for developing students’ vocabulary/ for drilling a particular languageitem. These games 
were conducted by the English teacher to develop students’vocabulary or practicing a specific 
language items. These games were: 

Spell Your Word. This game was aimed to develop students’ vocabulary and 
correct pronunciation. The teachers sometimes used this game as an ice breaker or asinfilling extra 
time. This game was played in groups. Basically the groups willmake a line and took a paper out 
of a box or bottle and spell the word.If it wasright then the group would make a score, if not the 
player had to sit back. 
Rolling Box. The game was intended to obtain students comprehension ingrammar that had been 
learned and it was created based on the collaboration of the teacher andstudents’ creativity. The rule 
of the game was simple. All students had to stand upin circle and they had to roll the boxwith a 
song played by the teacher. When thesong stopped, the student who held the box had 
totakeoneofrolled papers anddid the task given by the teacher. 
Games for delivering the material. Thisgame wascalled “Chain Writing” andused by the teacher 
to teach thestudents how to write a text. Before writing the students were given theknowledge 
about the structure of the text of the purpose of the text. The teacher gave a topic for students.The 
students would write in a group of four andexchanged the writing with other groups and did peer 
assessment. In the end theteacher would give feedback and correction. 
In this part the researcher described the students’ opinion toward the use of games in 
teaching English. To do this, as stated in the previous chapter, theresearcher used questionnaires. 
There were ten questions and categorized into two parts. The first three questions were intended to 
ask about the importance of English, and the rest were focused on the obtaining information about 
students’impression toward games. 
The percentages of students’ opinion of using games particularly showedtheir positive 
responses of using games as one teaching techniques. Games madesome materials more 
understandable, because the students really enjoy thelearning.The students thought that games like 
“Spell Your Word” was alreadyknown and popular so they had no difficultiesin playing the game. 
While“Guessthe Word” and “Chain Writing”were amusing and challenging so that studentstend to 
like them. While the students felt relax and enjoy the teaching and learning process in classroom it 
was easy for teacher to teach the target language.In other hand, some of the students seemed to have 
their difficulties when playing games.One of the reasons was the students’lack of vocabularies. 
The conclusions were drawn related to the research problem of the study abouthowthe use of 
games in teaching English 
The conclusionswere: 
There were several games used by the English teachers at lesson 
Therewere five games observed, they are: “Jeopardy”, “Spell Your Word”, “Guess theWord”, 
“Chain Writing”, and “Rolling Box”. These games were used to deliver the material, to assess the 
student skill in understanding the text, and to revise previous material, such as grammar. 
Almost all of the students gave positive respond towardthe use of games inteaching English. The 
students thought that games helped them to understandthe material easier and games could reduce 
boredom. Student felt relax whenlearning English by using games. 
It was also found that students faced some problems when playing games. Mostof students refer 
to the lack of the vocabulary as a hindrance in doing games.Students thought that vocabularies were 
used a lot when they had to play games 
In conclusion, learning vocabulary through games is one effective and interesting way that 
can be applied in any classrooms. The results of this research suggest that games are used not only 
for fun, but more importantly, for the useful practice and review of language lessons.Games are 
highly motivating because they are amusing and interesting. They can be used to give practice in all 
language skills and be used to practice many types of communication 

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