Инновационная методика казахского языка как иностранного: поиск, качество, результат

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Ключевые слова: казахский язык, обучение, инновационный приоритет

The article suggests the lines of the Kazakh language development in professional scientific and technological area, based on the understanding of its role and priorities in the formation of the statehood of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Expected results: scientific significance of the results, carried out research work and their competitive advantage in the innovation and the educational market.
Since the purpose of the proposed research is a comprehensive review of opportunities for the development methodology of teaching Kazakh as a foreign language, the collected materials will be considered from different angles, holistically and systematically. According to the methodst "Modern methods of teaching the Kazakh language as a foreign language: innovation, quality, results, achievements," the following main results are expected with the scientific and practical significance:
in the linguistic area:
- Investigate innovative methods of teaching the Kazakh language as foreign as the concept of ethno-cultural support. Scientific proved that language is the support of national culture, the main instrument of international linguistic communication;
-by the Kazakh language is systematized from a scientific point of view of the formation and development of national traditional culture is a new look at an overview of stages of learning the Kazakh language as a foreign language;
- The methodst is of great scientific and practical value. First of all, the methodst is determined by cognitive, cognitive significance of the Kazakh national culture. Will be held on the complex scientific and theoretical analyzes and justified from a scientific point of view of linguistic-cultural, cognitive, conceptual and pragmatic considerations. Substantiated scientific, systematized prosperity, improving the Kazakh language, which is one of the state symbols of independent Kazakhstan and the main condition for the country's competitiveness with other civilized nations of the world.

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