Байланысты: 11. Емтихан тапсырмаларынын жинагы. 9-сынып. 1- том
Task A Circle the word that can replace the underlined word without changing the meaning.
Example: fresh clear healthy tidy
1. funds means supplies resorts
2. mainly commonly illy badly
3. need shortage gap lack
4. sharp brutal cruel serious
5. starvation death greediness lack
Task B Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one. Do not change the word given. Example: Today, on every continent in the world, there are people who spend their entire day
looking for clean water.
Answer: People spending their entire day and looking for clean water are on every continent in
the world today).
6. While the majority of people on earth have access to water, there are still millions of people
who do not.
For millions of people, water still ______________________________________________.