Ж. И. Намазбаева Бас редактордың орынбасары


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2019 4(61)


Бұл мақалада hr-менеджменттегі әлеуметтік-психологиялық тренинг ерекшеліктері қарастырылады. Ұйым қызметінің психологиялық емес тиімділігінің көрсеткіштерін қарастырмай, басшының басқарушы-лық қызметінің тиімділігін қамтамасыз ететін жеке басының ерекшеліктерінің психологиялық мәселелері анық. Басшының жеке тұлға құрылымында әлеуметтік-психологиялық қасиеттер ерекше ерекшеленеді: көшбасшылыққа бейімділігі, көпшіліктік, тәуелсіздік және дербестік, өзіне және өз күшіне сенімділік, қарым-қатынаста да, шешім қабылдауда да жауапкершілік, икемділік және икемділік, іскерлік, ақылға қонымды тәуекелге бейімділік, эмоциялық тепе-теңдік, күйзеліске төзімділік, креативтілік. Аталған әлеуметтік-психологиялық қасиеттерді анықтау және қалыптастыру әлеуметтік-психологиялық тренингке ықпал етуі мүмкін.
Түйін сөздер: әлеуметтік-психологиялық тренинг, көшбасшылыққа бейімділік, көпшіліктік, тәуел-сіздік және өзін-өзі ұстау, өзіне және өз күшіне сенімділік, қарым-қатынастағы икемділік және икемділік.

The concept of "effective Manager" [Manager] corresponds, as noted by R.L. Krichevsky, to the understanding that a Manager is considered effective if the organization headed by him has high indicators of psychological and non-psychological criteria of organizational efficiency [4]. Without considering the indicators of non-psychological effectiveness of the organization, we will touch upon the problem of psychological, or rather, personal characteristics of the head, ensuring the effectiveness of his managerial activities. These features are extremely diverse. The Classification Of M. The show involves the consideration of the personality of the head of the three main personal "blocks": biographical characteristics, abilities, personality traits [4]. Biographical characteristics relate primarily to categories such as age, sex, education. L. Iacocca notes that age is largely an experience, that is, not only natural, but also, to a large extent, a socio-psychological characteristic of the person [9]. However, not only Mature age, and therefore experience allows a person to count on a high Position in the organizational structure. There are many examples of superbly working managers of a very young age. It should be noted that the relationship between age and management efficiency depends on such characteristics as the maturity of the individual. A. Maslow notes that the maturity of the personality can be formed in two age periods: from 19 to 35 years and from 35 to 60 years.
Another biographical characteristic of the personality of the leader – gender-is particularly susceptible to strong influence of social factors. Recent studies of gender behavior, a variety of facts of business, political activity of a person show an increasing role of a woman Manager in effective management [2]. Yet, according to official statistics, the percentage of women leaders is low compared to the representation of men in high positions. In General, it can be said that the issue of gender differences in the context of the problem of effective leadership is based primarily on gender stereotypes, which are gradually destroyed under the influence of social realities.
Education, unlike previous biographical characteristics, does not need special analysis, as professional knowledge is an extremely important component of management activities. There is a need for managers to possess a variety of knowledge not only in the field of management and business, not only foreign languages, but also psychological skills, knowledge in the field of culture and art. That is, it is necessary to be a widely educated person and have a high level of culture [1-9].
Along with the biographical parameters, the personal characteristics of the head, namely abilities, are necessarily considered. Among them, intelligence is distinguished, first of all, as a set of all cognitive functions of a person [1]. Most empirical studies show a stable relationship between the effectiveness of leadership and the level of intelligence, including, in the terminology of B.M. Teplov, and its practical component.
Manifestation of other abilities of the person is connected with its administrative activity, managerial functions and first of all with features of the personality and individual features, that is with structure of the personality. In the structure of the personality of the head, the socio-psychological qualities are particularly distinguished: a pronounced tendency to leadership, sociability, independence and self-activity, self-confidence and self-reliance, responsibility, flexibility and plasticity both in communication and in decision-making, enterprise, a tendency to reasonable risk, emotional balance, stress resistance, creativity.
The identification and formation of these socio-psychological qualities to a large extent can contribute to the socio-psychological training, the concept of which we offer.
Of course, these qualities are formed, first of all, in the direct activity of the Manager, as well as in the purposeful learning and assimilation of special managerial skills and knowledge. So, the basis of modern effective management is the personality of the head, its psychological components in combination with managerial knowledge and skills, as well as with the performance of managerial functions due to the organizational specifics of the enterprise.
The practical implementation of the above provisions is the developed program of socio-psychological training for managers, which includes several modules that allow the leader of the group to rebuild the basic concept of the program of communicative training in accordance with the objectives of each specific organization and group.
The main purpose of the training is the development of managerial skills of the Manager in accordance with his personal, psychological characteristics. The main content of training – management decision-making in situations of business interaction. As E.V. Sidorenkonotes ," work of heads of modern business is, mainly, communication [on 60-90%], direct and indirect, and communication which includes both business discussions, and non-business conversations..." [6, p.57]. At the same time, Sidorenko emphasizes that the boundaries between business, social role and non-business interpersonal communication are blurred. In this regard, the objectives of the training include the task of improving the communicative competence of the head. We consider the formation of a positive [congruent] attitude to oneself and acceptance of oneself, one's activity to be a particularly important task of the training, which implies a certain knowledge, including about oneself.
The presented program includes traditional training procedures: role-playing games, discussions, the technique of "brainstorming" used in the framework of group problem solving methods, psychogymnastics. It is possible to introduce personal tests into the training program [to assess the structure of the personality, the propensity to perform certain individual group and team roles].
Goal. Familiarity with the basic concepts associated with communicative competence.
The main thing that needs to be achieved by the end of the first day is bringing the group into a state of efficiency, creating an emotionally positive environment, an atmosphere of trust between the group members. Therefore, the training begins with the traditional presentation of the group members, as well as with familiarity with the basic concepts of communication: the criteria for effective conversation and its main stages. On the example of a group discussion participants are shown the main mistakes of communication and interaction; they are trained to analyze the positive and negative behaviors of themselves and others in the group. On the basis of this, the sequence of application of the phases of the partner conversation is further developed, which is facilitated by role-playing games for entering into contact with another person [other people] in various business situations. Such group analysis of success and failure of establishing contact with participants allows parsing to stop the attention on the uniqueness and at the same time typical situations, as well as on the manifestation of the individual characteristics of partners in dialogue in the social-role interaction [e.g., superior-subordinate relationship, the interaction of colleagues, situations of formal and informal interaction, etc.].
The day ends with the assessment by the participants of the training of their satisfaction with the content of the work and the expression of feelings. Usually at the end of the day the impulsive behavior of the participants is transferred to the objectified level-the level of motivation of training. During the day, psychogymnastical exercises are conducted, the purpose of which is to create a favorable atmosphere in the group. If necessary, in the second half of the day, it is possible to test personal methods [e.g., Cattell, R., T.Leary and others].
Goal.The introduction of the indicative of the fundamentals techniques of behavior in a business partnership conversation.
The games and exercises of this day are aimed at developing attitudes of orientation to the personality and motivation of the interlocutor, acquaintance with the techniques of active listening and their development. To do this, a role-playing game based on a significant management situation is conducted. During the discussion, it is necessary to dwell on the mistakes made in interaction with other people, to show possible solutions to problems. At the same time, active listening techniques and their capabilities are discussed with the group.
Next comes the development of active listening techniques using "dry" and "semi-dry" exercises [written, in pairs or triples] aimed at decision-making. For example, the development of three necessary for a successful Manager of professional qualities.
The next stage of the second day is a role-playing game with elements of discussion and brainstorming. The group is divided into two subgroups, each of which develops its own ways of making management decisions. The sub-group emit their representatives, argue the decision. The General group discussion of the game is aimed at comparing the quality of the decisions taken and, most importantly, the ways of their adoption.
In connection with the peculiarities of the activity leader is a role-playing game "One against all". The strongest member of the group is chosen, who convinces the team of the legitimacy of making an unpopular decision for the team. While the "leader" ponders the arguments, the group is instructed to oppose and resist the proposed solution. When discussing this game, the most attention is paid to establishing contact with the audience, convincing arguments and the possibility of various options for resolving the conflict situation. In addition to the ability to argue their decisions, this game examines the variability of the choice of a decision, as well as features of self-presentation of the head. After this, quite intense, the game you need to spend psihosomaticheskoy non-verbal exercise in stress relief.
In the process of discussing the results of the day, the group members should pay attention to identifying their own professional and personal difficulties.
Goal.Development of special managerial skills.
During the day, role-playing games are held, in which administrative, leadership and managerial skills are manifested.
Quite indicative of the game, coming from the opposite, for example, "How to create an organization that it was subject to self-destruction?". The group is divided into three subgroups, and each of them presents its options for inefficient development of the organization. At the same time, business and emotional leaders are singled out in each subgroup, goals are developed, and problems are planned. Allocation of several subgroups allows to show possibilities of variability of decision-making.
Another game of the day is aimed at "holistic action". Such a game can be based on a real task, represent an abstract or even a paradoxical situation, the main thing is that it was laid emergency and conflict content. In this game, the participants are also divided into subgroups. The main goal of the game is to practice the skills of strategic planning, thinking and transfer of orders [delegation of authority], negotiations, monitoring the implementation of tasks and interaction of the structures of the organization. The result of this game should be the optimal solution to the problem or awareness of the possible options for finding this solution.
The analysis and discussion of the games of this day takes place in the form of discussions and gives the group members the opportunity to realize the level of development of their own managerial skills and leadership qualities. At the end of the day, if the test was conducted, it is possible to familiarize participants with its results. Before the end of the work and summing up the day, it is desirable to conduct an exercise aimed at emotional memory and self-esteem.
Goal.Consolidation of the acquired knowledge [techniques of active listening during a business conversation], managerial skills, as well as the development of techniques for regulating emotional stress and argumentation techniques. Both last groups of techniques can be worked out after acquaintance with them and their discussion in role-playing game. At the same time, the techniques of active listening are also fixed. In this sense, indicative role-playing games can be games "with an ulterior motive". At the same time, it is desirable that it was a series of games – at least three-in which different situations of business and interpersonal interaction are played. Special attention of the group members is drawn to the fact that the main character of the game must understand the hidden motive of the partner or partners, relieve emotional tension and find the optimal management solution that suits both sides in a pre-conflict or conflict situation. When discussing and analyzing games, attention is drawn to the use of the acquired skills.
On the same day, the argumentation techniques are practiced taking into account the personal characteristics of the participants. Exercises on self-presentation and impression management are conducted, which are built with a focus on the target person and the audience as a whole.
At the end of the day, a role-playing game is held, the main task of which is to model the structure of the organization with the distribution of job functions.
The end of the training is the procedure of feedback from the group to each participant about his personal and professional qualities. In addition, each participant speaks about his impressions of the training in General and what new he learned about himself as a person and a professional.
As a result of training sessions, each participant gets an adequate idea of himself; improves basic management skills, shows his leadership qualities, flexibility and creativity in making management decisions. The proposed concept of training is aimed at the development and formation of psychological parameters that contribute to effective management. In this training, in addition to role-playing games, it is possible to use business games, although it is more appropriate to use them at the next stage of training to consolidate and develop basic psychological management skills. In addition, the result of the training is the creation of a team of partners and like-minded people, which contributes to positive business relationships in the organization.

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