Types of
Independent Work of the Student (IWS)
Types of independent work of the student
Grammatical competence on professional English
The list of
recommended literature
Additional literature
Training of these specialists of the case is one of priority tasks of language policy of our
country. In specialized the Higher Education Institutions first of all is put by the purpose of training
of English its practical application. Then we pass to professional
development of terms and we
develop skills of this branch. There is a wish to emphasize that now ownership of a foreign
language in various spheres extends more and more deeply. Orders, official reports, reports and
other official papers are in practice written also in English. Thus, complex measures of the state are
successfully realized.
One more important task in teaching English to students is
development of professional
conceptual bases. At the same time to develop methodically-theoretical process remains not until
the end of the solved problem. Here it will be necessary to adopt experience of foreign colleagues in
training of foreign languages.
Proceeding from requirements of general education standards and as a component of structure
in "Physical culture and Sport" we have developed this standard training
program on discipline
"The professionally- oriented foreign language".
The purpose of this training program is expansion of application of English in Higher
Education Institutions , to respond adequately to requirements of the state scale for development of
The program consists of the following main sections:
1. Purposes and problems of discipline.
2. Structure of a course.
3. Maintenance of level of a course.
4. Criterion determining the level of students.
5. Methodical instructions to students for holding examinations.
6. The recommended literature.
On the basis of this standard training program is approved its further introductiion.
Department of languages can provide an educational and methodical complex and write textbooks
on their discretion, considering the level of students.
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