Examination of a uterine cervix and vagina in speculum’s.
Task for the student:
perform, pleases, the examination of an uterine
cervix in speculum, describe, simultaneously, what You are doing.
The time of demonstration is 5 minutes.
Information for the examine:
assess, please, the student’s actions,
separately, on the every below given item.
№ Criterion of the assessment.
1,0 0,5 0
To explain for a patient the essence of examination. . 1,0 0,5 0
To put a patient on the gynecological armchair. .
1,0 0,5 0
To wash your hands and put on the sterile gloves.
1,0 0,5 0
Assess the external sexual organs .The growing of hair.
Closing of sexual rime. Structure of labia major and
1,0 0,5 0
Using of the index finger and large finger of the left hand
removing in sides labia major, assess introits in vagina,
disscendance of vaginal wall, and uterus, prolapse, color
of mucous, character of secret, condition of the external
foramen of urethra , ducts of para urethral ‘s glands and
the large glands of introit’s of vagina .
1,0 0,5 0
Perform examination of uterine cervix and vagina in
speculum, for that introduce like a spoon speculum at
the strait size of pelvis , after that transfer its at the
transvers size of exit from small pelvis . Parallel of its
to put elevator. .
1,0 0,5 0
Assess the condition of uterine cervix ( conic, cylindrical,
deformed , color of mucous. Check a pathological
process on uterine cervix: rupture, erosion, inflammatory
process. Assess the condition of external foramen of
cervical channel ( “ pupil test”) mucous of vagina (
folding, secret).
1,0 0,5 0
Take away an elevator and assess the condition of the
anterior of vagina wall, after that - speculum- assess the
condition of the posterior wall of vagina.
1,0 0,5 0
Maximum quantity of collected balls – 10
Put instruments at the solution of antiseptic . Gloves take
off and through away at container. Wash our hands with
soap and dry with towel .
1,0 0,5 0
10. Make some description at chart of out patient . During
a procedure make explanation our actions with temper
and friendly tone , make a possibility to ask some
1,0 0,5 0