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Agent (of change) (n)

driving force; sb or sth that causes sth to happen

act as an ~; cleaning/ oxidizing ~; agency (n): by/through the ~ of sb/sth

Backward (adj)

retarded in physical, material, or intellectual development; conservative or reactionary

technologically ~; a ~ country; backwards (adv); ant. forward, advanced

Balance (n, v)

a state of equilibrium; harmony in the parts of a whole

~ of power/mind; maintain/lose/upset the ~; balanced (adj): a ~ decision/diet;
ant. disbalance

Bandwidth (n)

the range of frequencies within a given waveband used for a particular transmission

10MHz ~; have wide (enough) ~; handle a ~ of 450 MHz; reduce/amplify ~; potential/narrow/ continuous/networking ~

Brain drain (n)

the emigration of scientists, technologists, academics, etc., for better pay, equipment, or conditions

cause/halt/be hit by a ~; steady ~;
ant. brawn drain

Brawn (n)

physical strength as opposed to mental skill and intelligence

~ drain; brawny (adj): a ~ man

Bring about (v)

cause to happen (a change)

~ reforms/changes;
syn. result in

Carry out (v)

perform or cause to be implemented; to bring to completion; accomplish

~ a transaction/plan

Commodity (n)

an article, product or material that is bought and sold

the ~ market/price; trade in ~ies; basic/household/food ~ies

Complete (v, adj)

make whole or perfect; fulfill; to finish sth

~ sth (exercises, tests) online; completely (adv); completion (n), completeness (n)

Converge (v)

(of two or more things) to move towards and meet at the same place; become similar or the same

convergent (adj) :
~ opinions/ views; convergence (n);
ant. divergence/divergent

Diffuse (v)

spread through a large area or a large group of people

~ through; diffusion (n): ~ of information/power/ wealth; diffused (adj): ~ sunlight/gas/liquid

Digital (adj)

representing data as a series of numerical values

~ divide/age/epoch/ technologies; digit (n); digitalization (v)

Disparity (n)

inequality or difference, as in age, rank, wages, etc.

a big/marked/great/wide ~ in/between sth; ~ in age; ~ between countries

Dispense (v)

distribute; give out or issue in portions

~ money/free health care; ~ with/sth (manage without sth): ~ with the formalities; dispenser (n); dispensable (adj): not necessary

Display (v)

show or make visible (data

~ documents/courage/ strength/ goods; display (n): window ~; be on ~

Diverse (adj)

very different from each other

diversify (v): ~ into; diversity (n): ~ of opinions, bio~; diversification (n); syn. variety

Drive (v)

push, propel, or be pushed or propelled; to compel or urge to work or act, esp excessively

~ to work; ~ into/along/at; be driven by sth; ~ it home to sb; a ~-in café; a strong drive

Empower (v)

expand sb's rights and possibilities by delegation of authorities; empowerment

~ sb to do sth; empowerment (n); empowering (adj)

Enroll (v)

become or cause to become a member; enlist; register through the Internet

~ online; ~ sb in/on/as sth; enrolment (n); enrollee (n)

Facilitate (v)

make easier; assist the progress of

facilitation (n), facilitator (n): act as a ~

Fiber optic cable (n)

a means of transmitting analog or digital info using light signals over a thin transparent filament made of glass

lay a ~; splice/connect a ~; travel through/by a ~

Flat world platform (n)

basis on which the world gets flat or globalized

be based on a ~

Face (v)

meet or be confronted by (a person, difficulties)

~ sb/work/the facts/the truth/losses

Gap (n)

a divergence or difference; disparity

close/bridge a ~ : remedy a deficiency

Go global (v)

expand into, enter the international market

companies/ideas/products ~

Implement (v)

carry out; put into action; perform (a plan, program)

~ a program/reforms/a plan; implementation (n);

Multinational (adj)

a large business company operating in several countries

~ company

Maturation (n)

the process of fully growing or developing

mature (adj); maturity (n)

Occur (v)

happen; take place; come about

occurrence (n): a happening event

Outdated (adj)

old-fashioned or obsolete

~ practices/equipment;
ant. up-to-date

Perform (v)

carry out or do (an action, operations); to fulfill or comply with

~ sb’s request; performance (n): ~ benchmarks; performer (n): high ~

Shrink (v)

become smaller in size

~ to size medium/small/ tiny; shrinkage (n)

Standard of living (n)

a level of subsistence or material welfare of a community, class, or person

high/low ~; raise/lower ~; go up/down (about ~)

Vary (v)

undergo or cause to undergo change, in appearance, character, form, attribute, etc.

~ in sth; ~ to some degree; variety (n); variant (n); variable (adj); syn. assortment;

Verify (v)

prove to be true

~ statements/facts/ allegations/figures; verification (n);
syn. confirm, substantiate

Work flow software (n)

computer programs enabling people all over the world to collaborate on that same digital content from anywhere

develop/launch/introduce ~

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