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Advent (n)

arrival or coming, esp. of sth which is awaited

with the ~ of technology

Android (n)

(in science fiction) a robot resembling a human being ; bionic man or woman, cyborg, humanoid, mechanical man, robot; a mobile operating system developed by Google

~ personal assistant

Annihilate (v)

destroy completely; extinguish

annihilation (n), syn. abolish, destroy, eradicate, erase, exterminate, liquidate

Artificial intelligence (AI)

study of the modelling of human mental functions by computer programs

programming language of ~, ~ applications

Biometrics (n)

study of biological data by means of statistical analysis

biometric (adj): biometric security

Bionics (n)

study of certain biological functions, esp. those relating to the brain, that are applicable to the development of electronic equipment

bionic (adj): bionic methods

Botnet (n)

a network of computers using distributed computing software; it can also refer to a collection of software agents, or robots, that run autonomously and automatically.

~ structure; to utilize the ~

Embed (v)

fix or become fixed firmly and deeply in a surrounding solid mass

embedded (adj): ~ system, ~ within smth, ~ deeply

Expert system

a program containing everything that an 'expert' knows about a subject

develop/apply/implement an ~

Exponential (adj)

(of a function, curve, series, or equation) of, containing, or involving one or more numbers or quantities raised to an exponent; very rapid

~ growth/decay/increase; exponentially (adv)

Finite (adj)

bounded in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent; limited or restricted in nature

~ number/resources;
ant. infinite

Flops (n)

floating-point operations per second: used as a measure of computer processing power (in combination with a prefix)

giga~, tera~, peta~, exa~, luma~; measure in ~

Forefront (n)

the extreme front; the position of most prominence, responsibility, or action

on/at the ~ of

Futuristic (adj)

likely to be current or fashionable at some future time; ultramodern

~ technology/design/ scenario; futurology (n), futurologist (n)

Handle (v)

have power or control over; manage successfully; deal with sth or treat sth in a specified way

~ ambiguity/situation; syn. control, direct, operate, steer, use, administer, conduct, cope with, deal with, manage, supervise

Hologram (n)

a photographic record produced by illuminating the object with coherent light (as from a laser) and, without using lenses

holographic (adj): ~ image/ memory/display

Instant (adj)

a very brief time; a particular moment or point in time

instantaneous (adj): ~ rate/ growth/reaction; instance (n)

Mainstream (n)

sth accepted, central, conventional, core, current, established, general, orthodox, prevailing, received

in the ~; ~ media/culture; outside of the ~


denoting 10-9, indicating extreme smallness

~-technology/computers/ meters/medicine/bots/ materials/tubes

Neural (adj)

of or relating to a nerve or the nervous system

~ networks/level

Onset (n)

beginning, inception, kick-off

early/late/sudden ~; syn. assault, attack, charge, onrush, onslaught

Pattern (n)

a plan or diagram used as a guide in making something; a standard way of moving, acting, etc.

iris and retina/living ~; ~ of sth; reveal/follow/recognize a ~

Pervade (v)

spread through or throughout, esp. subtly or gradually

pervasive (adj): ~ computing; syn. permeate

Precedent (n)

an example or instance used to justify later similar occurrences

set a ~; historical/legal/ dangerous ~; unprecedented (adj)

Quantum (n)

the smallest quantity of some physical property, such as energy, that a system can possess according to the quantum theory

~ theory/computers/bits (qubits); quanta (pl)

Replicate (v)

make or be a copy of; reproduce

~ findings/success/model; replicator (n)

Robot (n)

any automated machine programmed to perform specific mechanical functions in the manner of a man

create/use a ~; robotics (n); robotic (adj): ~ pets

Scenario (n)

a predicted sequence of events

doomsday/positive/negative ~

Singularity (n)

the hypothesized creation of smarter-than-human entities who rapidly accelerate technological progress beyond the capability of human beings to participate.

~ of sth

Sync (n)

an informal word for synchronization (esp. in the phrases in or out of sync)

in/out of ~

Smart (adj)

(of systems) operating as if by human intelligence by using automatic computer control

~ devices/home/phone; ~ness (n)

Ubiquitous (adj)

having or seeming to have the ability to be everywhere at once; omnipresent

~ computing; syn. omnipresent, pervasive

Unleash (v)

free from restraint or control

~ the power of sth; syn. free, let go, let loose, release, untie

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