Кандидат филологических наук, доцент Казну т. Т

Year Internet users amount

өлшемі2,47 Mb.
1   ...   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   ...   143


Internet users amount

In absolute figures



41,100 /15700000 (UNEP, n.d.)



71,400/15672000 (EPO, n.d.)



93,000/16199154 (News on ZAKON.KZ, 2005)








October, 2008


14,8 %

September, 2009



So, it may be concluded that Kazakhstan is actively bridging the Digital Divide. But judging by the figures, there is a lot more to be done in this direction.


Activity 2. Give antonyms:
1) fair; 2) balance; 3) even; 4) brain; 5) enhance; 6) connected; 7) disparity; 8) urban; 9) literacy
Activity 3. Mark the odd word:
1) a) hinder b) block c) oppose d) dispose
2) a) constraint b) suppression c) restriction d) limitation
3) a) imply b) hint c) comply d) presuppose
4) a) retain b) obtain c) acquire d) get
5) a) bring about b) cause c) result in d) result from
6) a) gap b) divide c) break d) gaze
7) a) accumulate b) select c) bring together d) collect

Activity 4. Match the words with their collocations:



1) digital

A solve, raise, pose, encounter

2) access

B lifecycle, line, activation, advertising, awareness, brand, certification, database, design, image, innovation

3) lack of

C facilities, computers, the Internet

4) development (of)

D ICT, the Internet; permit, deny, certify, restrict

5) product

E education, technology, authority, balance, control, data, energy, experience, memory, skilled labour

6) problem

F cost, model, plan, strategy, platform, rate, software, system

7) connect

G divide, age, generation, technology, camera, signature, PDA


Activity 5. Identify the italicized –ed verb forms as a part of the predicate (P) or an attribute (A):
1) The term was first used by the UN ICT Task Force, created after the 2003 Summit in Geneva.
2) Digital divide means the difference in access to ICTs between developed and developing countries.
3) All above mentioned can lead to a digital divide.
4) Countries with developed information technologies will acquire new values and lose old ones.
5) Consumers who are isolated from this commodity will be concentrated in another part of the world.
6) Kazakhstan is also facing the problem of digital divide, especially between the urban and rural population characterized by uneven distribution of telecommunications infrastructure.
7) The limited human and institutional capacity, outdated or weak regulatory frameworks are common to most parts of the peripherilized territories.
8) This program has yielded positive results.
9) There were created 8 information portals aimed at promoting ICT adoption.

Activity 6. Open the brackets:
1) Uneducated people (unlikely, be interested) in IT.
2) For example, music (create and transfer) in digital form.
3) With the time, the flow of cheap commodities (concentrate) in one part of the world.
4) In rural economic sectors, small and medium scale industries (not yet properly connect) to the national and regional chains of production and services.
5) Within two years of the Program implementation about 2 million citizens (train, test and certify).
6) The growth in the number of Internet users in Kazakhstan (present) in the table below.
7) So, it may (conclude) that Kazakhstan (actively bridge) the Digital Divide
8) In order to improve the situation, the RK government (take) some measures lately.


Activity 7. Mark the statements as True or False:
1) Digital divide concerns mostly relationships between different countries. ___
2) The term “infrastructure” implies available facilities and equipment. ___
3) One of the causes of digital divide is brain drain. ___
4) The richer the country, the lower are the connectivity costs. ___
5) There is a digital divide between urban and rural population in Kazakhstan. ___
Activity 8. Fill in the table with the information from the text on the digital divide causes, consequences and solutions. Add your own ideas.

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1   ...   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   ...   143

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