Іnsurance of entrepreneurial activity
Prerequisites of the course: Finances
Postreguisites of the course: Final work
Purpose: forming for the students of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in area of social security.
The types of risks are studied influencing on entrepreneurial activity and methods of their differentiation.
Content of the discipline: Social security is the system of social defence task of that - to provide realization of constitutional right economically active citizens on the material providing in old age, in case of illness, complete or partial loss of ability to work, loss of bread-winner, unemployment
Competences: the student has
To have idea of the mechanism of insurance of business activity in foreign countries and RK.
Nobility and understand specifics of insurance of business activity, its conceptual framework;
To be able to operate with legal concepts and categories; to make legal decisions and to make other legal actions in strict accordance with the law, to work with documents of legal character, regulations, to be guided by performance of laws in various situations of professional activity
To own work bases with legal acts, information search in questions of the organization and activity of bodies of social insurance in Kazakhstan;
To gain practical skills of the analysis of various legal phenomena, the legal facts, rules of law and the legal relations which are objects of professional activity.