Контрольное задание №1

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angliyskiy yazyk

2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What does the Cambridge University course for science students look like?

2. How long is the University course for science students at Cambridge?
3. How is science taught?
4. Is there a faculty of science (science faculty) in all British Universities?
5. What about a faculty of engineering?
6. Can yon draw a comparison between certain aspects of our country and British systems of education?
7. What does the student do with his graduation paper when he has finished it?
8. How do they acquire research skills?
9. Why do the contacts between the scientific personnel and the students play a very significant role?
10. What practical use has mathematics for astronomy, medicine, linguistics and other sciences?

3. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be (is am are)

1 The weather ..is.... nice today.

2 I..............not tired.
3 This bag.............heavy.
4 These bags............heavy.
5 Look! There.............Carol.
6 My brother and I.............good tennis players.
7 Ann............at home. Her children.............at school.
8 I...........a taxi driver. My sister...........a nurse.
4. Переведите следующие предложения и определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова в предложении.

1. A kilogramme is a unit of weight measure in the metric system.

2. Barometer is an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.
3. Heat is a form of energy and may be measured in the units in which energy is measured.
4. All measurements were accurate.
5. By means оf radioactive elements we were able to measure the thickness of various materials.

5. Вставьте нужную форму глагольную форму was/were/did/have/has

1.Where…..your shoes made?

2...........you go out last night?
3What..............you doing at 10.30?
4Where.............your mother born?
5...........Barbara gone home?
6 What time ........................she go?
7 When..................these houses built?
8 ……………Jim arrived yet?
9 Why...............you go home early?
10 How long...............they been married?

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