Мехатроника 1 Бөлім mechatronics

 Intelligent mechatronic modules

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Мехатроника 1 том Баймухамедов М.Ф., Джаманбалин Қ.Қ.,Ақгул м.К.

 1.4 Intelligent mechatronic modules
The main feature of the current stage of development of mechatronics is the 
creation of a fundamentally new generation of modules-intelligent mechatronic 
Intelligent mechatronic module (IMM)
is a constructively and functionally 
independent product with synergetic integration of mechanical, electrical (elec-
trotechnical), information and computer (electronic) parts, which can be used 
individually and in various combinations with other modules.
Thus, in comparison with mechatronic motion modules (MMM), micropro-
cessor computing devices and power electronic converters are added to the 
IMM design, which gives these modules intellectual properties and is their 
main distinguishing feature from MMM.
In Fig. 1.9, a and Fig. 1.9.6 are showed the intelligent mechanical modules of 
including the motor 1, the mechanical converter 2 and the power converter 3.

Figure 1.9 – Intelligent mechatronic modules
The synergetic integration of these elements constitutes the structural basis 
of mechatronics. The mechatronic idea of synergetic integration of elements 
of various physical natures is becoming more popular among developers and 
consumers of high technology products. The first samples of intelligent mecha-
tronic modules appeared in the mid-90s of the XX century, and in recent years 
their share on the market is rapidly increasing. Thus, according to Packaging 
Digest [10], currently integrated motion controllers are used in 35.1% of mecha-
tronic packaging machines.
Within the next 1...2 years, the share of this class of vehicles is expected to 
increase by 8...10%. A similar trend is observed in other areas of application of 
mechatronic systems, in particular, in automated engineering.
Let’s consider the basic advantages which application of intellectual mecha-
tronic modules:
• the ability of the IMM to perform complex movements independently, 
without resorting to an upper level of control, which increases the 
autonomy of the modules, the flexibility and survivability of mechatronic 
systems operating in changing and uncertain environmental conditions; 
• simplification of communications between modules and the central 
control device (up to the transition to wireless communications), which 
allows to achieve increased noise immunity of the mechatronic system 
and its ability to quickly reconfigure, increase the reliability and safety 
of mechatronic systems due to computer fault diagnosis and automatic 
protection in emergency and abnormal operation modes; 
• creation on the basis of IMM of distributed control systems using network 
methods, hardware and software platforms based on personal computers 
and related software; 
• use of modern methods of control theory (program, adaptive, intellectual, 
optimal) directly at the executive level, which significantly improves the 
quality of management processes in specific implementations;


• intellectualization of power converters included in the IMM for 
implementation directly in the mechatronic module of intelligent 
for motion control, module protection in emergency modes and fault 
• intellectualization of sensors for mechatronic modules allows achieving 
higher measurement accuracy by programmatically providing noise 
sensor, calibration, linearization of input/output characteristics, compen-
sation of cross-links, hysteresis and zero drift in the sensor module itself.
The main factor restraining the use of intelligence mechanical modules in 
serial products is their high price, although in recent years it has been steadily 
declining. It is due to a number of technological factors:
• the rapid development of hardware devices and in recent times formation 
technologies oriented to the tasks of movement management; 
• the emergence of new generation semiconductor devices (power field 
effect transistors, bipolar transistors with isolated gate, thyristors with 
field control);
• transition to a new element base in control systems motion are 
digital signal processors (DSP-processors) and blocks FPGAs (Field 
Programmable Gate Arrays); 
• development of hybrid mechatronics technologies that allow to integrate 
electronic and computing devices into mechanics sided nodes.
From the point of view of functional and structural analysis, intellectual 
mechatronic modules realize all seven functions transformations. The structure 
of IMM includes electromechanical and the control subsystem, as well as the 
power converter and the corresponding interfaces.
The intelligent mechatronic module consists of the following main elements:
• the electric motor (although it is possible to use thrusters and other types, 
for example, hydraulic ones);
• mechanical converter;
• feedback sensors and sensor devices;
• the managing controller;
• power converter;
• interface and communication devices.
In modern IMM use different types of electric motors: angular and linear 
motion, variable and permanent current, collector and valve, continuous motion 
and stepper. As a motion transducer used toothed, screw and other transmission. 
In the designs of some IMMs built on the basis of high torque motors, there are 
no motion transducers.
In intelligent mechatronic modules, various position and speed sensors 
(photo-pulsed, rotating transformers, tachogenerators) and sensors (current and 

torque sensors temperature and vibration), which transmit information to the 
computer control unit about the actual state of the subsystems of the module.
Built-in controllers implemented on a modern element base allow to obtain 
compact and reliable mechatronic products with intelligent functions and to 
build multi-coordinate mechatronic systems with decentralized control based 
on them.
In combination with the open architecture of control systems such as PC-NC 
it allows to give qualitatively new control systems that have a principle new 
characteristic of speed, accuracy and functional flexibility.
It is of fundamental importance that all listed elements were structurally 
incorporated by the developer in a single package. When this makes the 
devices become internal units, not available for the user. When 
developing IMM, it is necessary to consistently perform the stages of functional 
structural and structural-constructive analysis and then proceed to the design 
implementation of the chosen option.
It should be noted that the essence of intellectual mechatronics modules 
is not determined by the type of structural elements used in this design, but 
primarily by their functional purpose.

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