Мехатроника 1 Бөлім mechatronics

    4.2 System approach in designing of mechatronic modules

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Мехатроника 1 том Баймухамедов М.Ф., Джаманбалин Қ.Қ.,Ақгул м.К.


4.2 System approach in designing of mechatronic modules
The mechatronic module is an ordered set of elements that interact with 
each other and form a kind of integral unity, with the aim of its functioning 
satisfying some social need, i.е. system. Therefore, its design is carried out 
using a system approach.
The system approach in the designing is based on the following principles:
• studying the mechatronic module as a single integrated system;
• taking into account the requirements and quality criteria (indicators) that 
should be implemented in the designing process, and the transition to 
optimal design;
• hierarchical representation of the structure of the mechatronic module, 
the establishment of links and the identification of contradictions;
• the iterative nature of the design process;
• studying the previous experience, taking into account the sequence of 
development of the object and the results obtained during the experimental 
development and during operation;
• defining thedevelopmentprospects.
4.3 Synergetic integration in the designing
Designing of mechatronic modules is carried out using the principle of 
synergetic integration. Synergetic integration consists in combining into a 
single module elements of different physical nature to achieve a single goal – 
the qualitative execution of the required functional transformation. Achieving 
this goal is a complex creative and technical task. Its solution is based on 
modern scientific and technical knowledge in the field of design, manufacturing 
techniques and machine control in combination with engineering intuition and 
When constructing a mechatronic module, it is necessary not only to link 
various elements to the system using standard connections, but to make con-
structive connections in it that are interpenetrating and inseparable. The task of 
the designer is to find the best correspondence between the given function of 
the mechatronic module and its design [10].
Synergetic integration in the construction of mechatronic modules is 
implemented in three ways: functional, functional-structural and structural-
constructive integration.
Functional integration is the creation of a functional model of the mecha-
tronic module by adding to the existing functional model additional functional 
transformations in order to improve the performance of the mechatronic 

module. Functional-structural integration consists in finding a structural model 
of the mechatronic module that realizes given functional transformations by 
a minimum number of structural blocks.It is aimed at the choice of design 
solutions that ensure the unification of some structural blocks, and hence the 
exclusion of adjacent interfaces.
Structural and constructive integration consists in selecting the types and 
the minimum number of basic and additional, if necessary, constructive elements 
introduced into the mechatronic module in order to provide the specified 
functional transformations with maximum efficiency, i.e. high operability, relia-
bility, durability, accuracy, etc.
Integration involves not only hardware integration of elements, but also the 
organization of integrated information processes in intelligent modules.
Synergetic integration in the construction of mechatronic modules is based 
on three basic principles:
• realization of the specified functional transformations by a minimum 
number of structural blocks and structural elements by combining com-
ponents into single multifunctional modules;
• elimination of redundant building blocks and interfaces;
• redistribution of the functional load from the hardware blocks to the 
intelligent (electronic and computer) components.
Practical implementation of the principles of synergetic integration allows 
to provide advantages of mechatronic modules in comparison with traditional 
drives and to achieve qualitatively new parameters for compactness of design, 
speed and accuracy of motion of the output link.

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