Мехатроника 1 Бөлім mechatronics

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Мехатроника 1 том Баймухамедов М.Ф., Джаманбалин Қ.Қ.,Ақгул м.К.


• maintenance of dialogue with the computer in the usual constructor 
terms and familiar objects (graphic images); 
• the presence of linguistic means to describe generic models-representa-
tives of the drawings, when the process of creating a specific drawing of 
the product is reduced to the set size; 
• obtaining blueprints high quality formatted according to the standards 
USDD, by output to plotters, printers, and other devices, AutoCAD 
allows to perform parametric two-dimensional drawing and parametric 
three-dimensional wireframe (wire), polygonal (surface) and three-
dimensional (solid-state) modeling, and also create parametric assembly 
drawings from parametric elements. Parameter values are taken from the 
AutoCAD Mechanical and Mechanical desktop are an extension of 
AutoCAD with a slant in engineering design. Packages provide productivity 
and quality in the preparation of engineering drawings and are optimal for 2D 
System CREDO is the first national integrated system, running Windows, 
with the possibilities of three-dimensional modeling of geometric objects, for 
preparation of design documentation, preparation of control programs and 
create an archive of design and technological documentation. 
COMPAS-5 – highly efficient design environment for a variety of products, 
including drawings, the design editor with tools for interactive parame-teri-
zation, the module document management, predefined libraries for different 
applications, applications engineering packages, development tools apps. 
T-FLEX CAD is a parametric 3D computer-aided design and drafting. It 
contains a complete set of intuitive tools to create high-quality design docu-
• all element types: lines, circles, ellipses, splines, curves defined functions; 
• different types of lines: basic, thin, dashed, dash-dotted, etc. Lines may 
have different thickness and color; you can create your own types of 
• associative hatch, fill, Crosshatch pattern; 
• all types of dimensions: linear dimensions on the circumference, angular. 
Full compliance with Unified system for design documentation (ESKD) 
and international standards. 
• automatic calculation of the maximum deviations. 
• the ability to quickly change formatting standard; 
• tolerances of form and position of surfaces, roughness, inscriptions, and 

T-FLEX CAD 3D, built on the geometric kernel ACIS company Spatial 
Technology, which is used in more than one hundred foreign systems of 
simulation, allows to transfer the three dimensional information through the 
SAT format - the native format of the ACIS kernel. For T-FLEX CAD 3D has 
many applications, solving a variety of specialized tasks. One such application 
is «Integrated intelligence system» (IIS). 
IIS is: 
• an open working environment for user applications; 
• INIS the basic concepts of the user interface are the window and menu. 
• open graphical environment. Without requiring a user to input directives 
with the keyboard in the form of text strings. You only need to look 
carefully at the screen and choose from the proposed menu to the desired 
operation using the manipulator «mouse».
• IIS – integrated program. Under her management can work as both special 
and «normal» programs, providing information exchange between them.
The fundamental feature of IIS is the use of object-oriented approaches in 
the design. IIS is intended for building software applications group decision 
support engineering tasks. In modern production the role of group support of 
design decisions increases dramatically as the basis of human action in the 
course of solving tasks of design and technological Informatics is commu-
nication between the decision makers (
the buyer – the customer – the designer – 
technologist – maker – seller – buyer
), engaged in the exchange of information 
and knowledge. This allows you to use the distribution of roles and functions in 
the course of solving design problems, and to achieve the best options at a joint 
meeting of problem situations [13].
The purpose of the integrated intellectual system is:
• improving the quality and technical and economic level of the projected 
• reduction of the complexity of design calculations, design and release 
of working drawings of objects due to powerful information support for 
design (database, graphical knowledge base, calculation procedures, etc.);
• automation of making design decisions (symbolic knowledge bases), 
editing and issuing of design text and graphic documentation.
IIS on a single conceptual, informational, software and technical basis 
provides the user with the following functions:
• project management;
• dialogue organization of input and control of initial data;
• system management;
• execution of calculations for individual dependencies and in the form of 
computational models;


• selection of normative and reference information;
• formation and editing of text and graphic documents;
• implementation of the learning function for working with the system;
• maintaining a conceptual model of the product creation process on the 
• synchronization of actions of the user community when solving a 
common problem;
Thus, the integration of IIS with T-FLEX CAD 3D allows us to carry out 
design work at a high scientific and technical level.

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