Мырза Хайдар Дулаттың «Тарих-и Рашидиі» әдеби жәдігер

The value of Mirza Haydar's work

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The value of Mirza Haydar's work «Tarih-i Rashidi» consists in a fact that the author has shown the communication of the Kazakh history, culture and literature with Turkic epoch and the Islamic historical period.
Relevance of research. The majority of scientists, who studied «Tarih-i Rashidi», considered its value as of the historical work, not literary.
The work of Mirza Haydar «Tarih-i Rashidi» covers the historical events occured in 1346-1546 in the Central Asia, Tibet, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Iran and Iraq. The author also gives authentic data from a life of Kazakh people, the representative of whom he was. Creating his biographic literary work Mirza Haydar adheres the public objectivism as a major principle. He also gives the huge value to artistic and literary aspects of his work. He often uses the literary ways of eulogizing and worship for the glorification of religion of Islam. He also successfully uses east genres, such as rubai, mufrad, gazal, kita, fi badaih. One more feature of the given work: despite the fact that it is written in Persian language, the author uses verses in Arabian and Turkic languages. It is interesting that there are a lot of Kazakh words in the work used to this day.

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