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Napoleonic Wars
During the War of the Second Coalition (1799–1801), Britain occupied 
most of the French and Dutch overseas possessions, the Netherlands having 
become a satellite state of France in 1796, but tropical diseases claimed the 
lives of over 40,000 troops. When the Treaty of Amiens ended the war, 
Britain agreed to return most of the territories it had seized. The peace 
settlement was in effect only a ceasefire, and Napoleon continued to provoke 
the British by attempting a trade embargo on the country and by occupying 
the city of Hanover, capital of the Electorate, a German-speaking duchy 
which was in a personal union with the United Kingdom. In May 1803, war 
was declared again. Napoleon's plans to invade Britain failed, chiefly due to 
the inferiority of his navy, and in 1805 Lord Nelson's Royal Navy fleet 
decisively defeated the French and Spanish at Trafalgar, ending any hopes 
Napoleon had to wrest control of the oceans away from the British. 
The British HMS Sandwich fires to the French flagship Bucentaure 
(completely dismasted) into battle off Trafalgar. The Bucentaure also fights 
HMS Victory (behind her) and HMS Temeraire (left side of the picture). In 
fact, HMS Sandwich never fought at Trafalgar, it is a mistake from Auguste 
Mayer, the painter. 
In 1806, Napoleon issued the series of Berlin Decrees, which brought 
into effect the Continental System. This policy aimed to eliminate the threat 
from the British by closing French-controlled territory to foreign trade. The 
British Army remained a minimal threat to France; it maintained a standing 
strength of just 220,000 men at the height of the Napoleonic Wars, whereas 
France's armies exceeded a million men—in addition to the armies of 

numerous allies and several hundred thousand national guardsmen that 
Napoleon could draft into the French armies when they were needed. 
Although the Royal Navy effectively disrupted France's extra-continental 
trade—both by seizing and threatening French shipping and by seizing French 
colonial possessions—it could do nothing about France's trade with the major 
continental economies and posed little threat to French territory in Europe. 
France's population and agricultural capacity far outstripped that of Britain. 
Top French leaders argued that cutting the British off from the 
European mainland would end their economic hegemony, but Great Britain 
possessed the greatest industrial capacity in the world, and its mastery of the 
seas allowed it to build up considerable economic strength through trade to its 
possessions from its rapidly expanding new Empire. . In terms of economic 
damage to Great Britain, the blockade was largely ineffective. As Napoleon 
realized that extensive trade was going through Spain and Russia, he invaded 
those two countries. He tied down his forces in Spain, and lost very badly in 
Russia in 1812. The Spanish uprising in 1808 at last permitted Britain to gain 
a foothold on the Continent. The Duke of Wellington and his army of British 
and Portuguese gradually pushed the French out of Spain, and in early 1814, 
as Napoleon was being driven back in the east by the Prussians, Austrians, 
and Russians, Wellington invaded southern France. After Napoleon's 
surrender and exile to the island of Elba, peace appeared to have returned, but 
when he escaped back into France in 1815, the British and their allies had to 
fight him again. The armies of Wellington and Blucher defeated Napoleon 
once and for all at Waterloo. 
Signing of the Treaty of Ghent With the United States (1814), by A. 
ForestierSimultaneous with the Napoleonic Wars, trade disputes and British 
impressment of American sailors led to the War of 1812 with the United 
States. A central event in American history, it was little noticed in Britain, 
where all attention was focused on the struggle with France. The British could 

devote few resources to the conflict until the fall of Napoleon in 1814. 
American frigates also inflicted a series of embarrassing defeats on the British 
navy, which was short on manpower due to the conflict in Europe. 
A stepped-up war effort that year brought about some successes such as 
the burning of Washington, D.C., but the Duke of Wellington argued that an 
outright victory over the U.S. was impossible Because the Americans 
controlled the western Great Lakes and had destroyed the power of Britain's 
Indian allies. A full-scale British invasion was defeated in upstate New York. 
Peace was agreed to at the end of 1814, but not before Andrew Jackson, 
unaware of this, won a great victory over the British at the Battle of New 
Orleans in January 1815 (news took several weeks to cross the Atlantic before 
the advent of steam ships). The Treaty of Ghent subsequently ended the war 
with no territorial changes. It was the last war between Britain and the United 

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