Очерки по теоретической фонетике английского языка

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Yaroslav A. Glukhiy,

Sergei V. Glushkov


A Study Guide


Я.А. Глухий,
С.В. Глушков

Очерки по теоретической фонетике английского языка

Учебное пособие

Томск 2009

Глухий Я.А., Глушков С.В. Очерки по теоретической фонетике английского языка. Учебное пособие. Томск, 2009. – 64 с.

Рекомендовано редакционно-издательским советом НОУ ВПО «ТИБ» 29 октября 2008 г., протокол № 1.
Рецензенты: зав. кафедрой английского языка ТГПУ канд. филол. наук, доцент, Л.А. Петроченко; зав. кафедрой иностранных языков в области техники и технологии ТПУ канд. пед. наук, доцент, Н.А. Качалов
Очерки представляют собой сведéние в одну публикацию лекционных курсов по теоретическому аспекту английской фонетики, отдельно подготовленных авторами на английском языке. В Очерках охватывается достаточно обширный материал по теории фонетики английского языка, привлекается большое количество примеров и публикаций российских и зарубежных авторов, излагаются основные положения теории фонемы, характеризуются различные аспекты и разделы науки о звуках речи, описываются взаимоотношение фонетики и фонологии, а также возможные принципы классификации звуков речи в английском языке. Особое место в Очерках занимает рассмотрение звуковых переходов в потоке речи в английском языке, его артикуляционной базы, интонационных особенностей и современных изменений, а также специфики американского варианта английского языка в области произношения.
Очерки предназначены для студентов факультетов иностранных языков, других факультетов ВУЗов, изучающих различные теоретические и практические аспекты английского языка в рамках своих специальностей, а также для читателей, в достаточной степени владеющих английским языком и интересующихся вопросами теоретической и практической фонетики английского языка. Очерки могут быть использованы в качестве основной или дополнительной литературы для проведения лекционных, семинарских и практических занятий по английской фонетике.

Essay 1. Introduction. Phonetics As A Science

Essay 2. Phonetics vs. Phonology
Essay 3. Methods Of Phonetics
Essay 4. The Phoneme Theory
Essay 5. The Basics Of Articulatory, Acoustic And Auditory Aspects Of Speech Sounds
Essay 6. Introduction Into The Classification Of The English Phonemes
Essay 7. Classification Of The English Consonants
Essay 8. Classification Of The English Vowels
Essay 9. Modifications Of Sounds In Connected Speech
Essay 10. The Articulation Basis Of The English Language
Essay 11. English Intonation And Prosody
Essay 12. Present Day Changes In Modern English Pronunciation
Essay 13. American English (AE)

Phonetics is quite a unique and specific branch of linguistics, especially, in the sense that there is, probably, no such other branch, or segment, or discipline within the limits of the science about language and speech that could encompass with such an obviousness and with such a contradictoriness both the material and the ideal circles of phenomena that we usually unite under the term – language. Phonetics (and phonology, be the latter separate or a part of the former) is the field where linguistics suggests an immediate application to other spheres of science and life, and where it embraces openly knowledge from other spheres of science, such as mathematics, statistics, physics, computer technology, telecommunication, and even from art, such as music or poetry.

Though the modern linguistics turned a little away from the phonetic considerations (which is, after all, true only to a certain extent, and which is partially due to comparatively recent appearance of many other offsprings of linguistics, which demand more care from their mother-science to survive), and though the phonetic studies attract less attention nowadays than, for instance, grammar (due to its vastness), and cognitive and corpus linguistics (due to their recency and glamour) the issues that were traditionally studied by phonetics (and phonology) still retain their charm, and will always do. It can be added that the charms of phonetics are positive not because all the problematic issues were solved, but rather because they were not.
A reader of the hereto volume may notice that the essays collected here differ much in their size, and some may seem to be too expanded and eloquent, whereas others – too concise and short. In any case it is our only one suggestion that a moderate student should find everything necessary in the collection of essays to pass the exam in the course of the Theory of English Phonetics lectured at the faculties of foreign languages. Besides, and yet, we sincerely hope (and this is the solely real aim of the hereto essays without which the whole collection has hardly any value at all) that the essays will find a more intellectual and devoted reader for whom the essays will serve as a threshold to stimulate his/her strive for search and quest in the field of phonetic studies. In these essays we tried to enlighten the most interesting, the most crucial, the most paradoxic and, certainly, the very basic and key points belonging to the domain of phonetics (and phonology). Whether we gained success in performing the task or not – there are our students and readers to judge, to whom we, using this as one more opportunity, would like to express our greatest love, respect, trust, and gratitude, and many thanks. It is for the sake of our students and readers, and for the sake of their interest and curiosity in phonetics that we present the hereto essays.

We need to add also that it is our second hope that the long dozen of essays collected in this volume will seem for its readers to be not at all long, and that it will rather provide for its readers a short and sweet, and fast access to the most important subjects of phonetics.

Finally, we would like to say that we both are open for any kind of discussion or questions, or any other communication on the hereto matters, and we want to express our strong belief that among various branches of linguistics the most interesting is, of course, phonetics.

The authors – Yaroslav A. Glukhiy, Sergei V. Glushkov


Phonetics is a branch of linguistics, like the other branches, such as lexicology and grammar. Lexicology studies the vocabulary of language, the origin and development of words, their meaning and word-building. Grammar (divided into morphology and syntax) studies the regularities in modification of words and in combination of words into sentences.

The term phonetics comes from the Greek word φωνή (phõnē) meaning sound, voice. It is rather difficult to give an exact and precise definition of the term. The oldest, and the most concise definition is that phonetics is a science of speech sounds. The definition is rather loose partly because it has very little consideration of the meaningful and functional aspects of speech sounds, partly because speech sounds are also studied in acoustics and physiology.
A little bit better is the definition of phonetics as “the science of speech sounds considered as elements of language…” (Webster's Dictionary, cit. by Vassilyev, 1970 : 7). The definition does not take into account that phonetics also studies stress, syllable, intonation.
One of the probable definitions is that phonetics is the science that “studies the sound system of the language, that is segmental phonemes, word stress, syllabic structure and intonation” (Sokolova & others, 2004 : 6). The definition obviously includes segmental phonemes within the sphere of phonetic studies, which is in conformity with the Russian (Soviet) school of phonetics, but, and it will become clear later, is in complete disagreement with the Western school of phonetics.
To say that phonetics studies speech sounds means that it studies only such sound sequences, which are produced by a human vocal apparatus, which are carriers of organized information of language and which are meaningful.
Phonetics also studies the relation between written and spoken language and is connected with other linguistic disciplines such as grammar, lexicology, stylistics and others.
Phonetics is connected with grammar through the system of rules of reading, which make it possible to pronounce correctly the past tense forms of regular verbs, the singular and plural forms of nouns, and etc. Please consider the examples:
1) the differences in pronunciation of morpheme -ed after voiced and voiceless consonants in past forms of verbs:
[d] after voiced consonant [t] after voiceless consonants
beg – begged, clog – clogged stop – stopped; knock – knocked

2) the differences in pronunciation of root consonants observed in singular and plural forms of nouns:

leaf – leaves, house – houses, bath – baths

3) the vowel interchanges helping to distinguish the singular and plural forms of nouns and the tense forms of irregular verbs:

nouns verbs
basis – bases [si:z]
crisis – crises [si:z] write – wrote - written
thesis – theses [si:z] ride – rode – ridden.

Phonetics is also connected with lexicology, since the presence of stress in the right place helps to distinguish nouns/adjectives from verbs. Homographs may also be differentiated only by pronunciation, because they are identical in spelling. Please consider the examples:

nouns – verbs adjectives – verbs homographs
an 'accent – to ac'cent 'separate – to sepa'rate row [rau] – row [rəu]
a 'desert – to de'sert 'predicate – to predi'cate lead [li:d] – lead [led]
an 'object – to ob'ject graduate – to graduate wind [wInd] – wind [waInd].

Stylistics is another linguistic discipline phonetics is connected with through intonation, speech-melody, rhythm and word stress. Regular repetition of stressed and unstressed words gives a rhythmic coloring to the English sentence. Logically accented words in a sentence help us to give special prominence to a sentence, and speed of delivery helps to differentiate formal and informal styles which express different emotions and attitudes of the speaker. Also intonation which possesses definite phonetic features helps to distinguish various types of utterances, e.g. (see Leontyeva, 1980 : 7-9):

He 'went to his \office – a statement of fact.
He 'went to his /office – a question.
↓He went to his \/office – an implication (surprise, correction).
Speaking-hearing as a phenomenon (and human speech in general) is a result of a complicated series of events many of which are still not known and probably will never be. First, the cognitive information (a concept, an idea, a cognit and etc) is coded into the linguistic information (it can be said also that the linguistic code comprises an integral part of cognitive information), i.e. concepts, ideas and etc are coded into linguistic signs (patterns of speech sounds/phonemes, for instance) – the stage, in the broad term, is called psychological. Second, the coding activity initiates particular signals that come from the brain of the speaker to his/her articulating organs which move to produce particular speech sounds – being physiological in its nature the stage is called articulatory. Third, the speech organs disturb and modulate the air stream and produce sound waves – and the stage is called physical or acoustic (as acoustics is a part of physics). From thereon the whole process goes backwards – forth – the sound waves reach the ear of the hearer where they initiate signals to be transmitted to the brain of the hearer – being also physiological in its nature the stage is called auditory. Fifth, the transmitted signals initiate the decoding of the linguistic information (particular linguistic signs) into the original concepts, ideas and etc – the stage, in the broad term, is also psychological. Few moments need to be mentioned here: the psychological stages are the least studied and usually provide support for various and far too often opposite views; the five-stage approach is only a model and as every model may be quite different from reality; our knowledge of the processes going at every stage may differ sharply from reality and sometimes suggests dubious interpretations; the so-called “coding” and “decoding” terms are inherited from the times when language and intellect were regarded as different – actually opposite – objects (whereas the former is obviously the part of the latter); modern neuroscience and cognitive science regard the cognitive information, i.e. intellect/mind, and therefore the linguistic information, i.e. language/linguistic code, to be the function of connections activated between assemblies and networks of neurons in the human brain (see, for instance, Fuster, 2003) – yet no definite answer as to how the language and mind correlate with the neurons and brain seem to be even discerned at the scientific horizon; all the five stages can be regarded as representing different transformations of semiotic signs and thus can be viewed in terms of semiosis. Please review Picture 1 for the above mentioned stages:

Pic. 1. Speaking-Hearing Process.

1. Psychological (Coding) Stage

2. Physiological (Articulatory) Stage

3. Physical (Acoustic) Stage

4. Physiological (Auditory) Stage

5. Psychological (Decoding) Stage

The common approach (which is in correspondence with Pic. 1) is that phonetics has three branches: articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics and auditory phonetics.

Articulatory phonetics is the branch of phonetics “which is concerned with the study, description and classification of speech sounds as regards their production by the human speech apparatus” (Vassilyev, 1970 : 10). It is the most productive, developed and the oldest branch of phonetics. “From the articulatory point of view every speech sound is a complex of definite, finely coordinated and differentiated movements and positions of the speech organs” (op. cit.).
Acoustic phonetics is the branch of phonetics that studies the physics of the air vibrating between the mouth of the speaker and the ear of the hearer and producing sound waves of different character and acoustic effect, i.e. different speech sounds. “From acoustic point of view, a speech sound, like any other sound in nature, is a physical phenomenon, a kind of moving matter and energy” (Vassilyiev, 1970 : 12).
Auditory phonetics is the branch of phonetics which main concern is the investigation of the hearing process. At present time it mainly deals with the brain activity rather than with the physiological process of signal delivery and transfer through the nervous system of the hearer. Its interest lies more in the sphere of experimental psychology not linguistics. Till lately some linguists have not distinguished auditory phonetics as a separate branch of phonetics at all. But, still an outstanding Polish-Russian linguist, Baudouin de Courtenay (full name – Jan Niecisław Ignacy Baudouin de Courtenay, in St. Petersburg known as Ivan Aleksandrovich Boduen de Kurtene, 1845-1929) has invented the term anthropophonics, which united the articulatory and the auditory aspects of speech sounds. In the Soviet (Russian) linguistics the term has changed to physiological phonetics due to close connection between the articulatory and the auditory aspects of speech sounds. When our speech organs work, we at the same time hear what we speak, thus receiving feedback from our hearing system. Step by step, through accumulation of instrumental data, auditory phonetics finds its place in the sphere of phonetic science.
It is necessary to comment that Baudouin de Courtenay was the first one who introduced the term phonology, as the science of purely linguistic (functional) aspect of speech sounds, opposed to anthropophonics (the proper phonetics in modern terms).
Besides branches phonetics is divided into several sections (segments) also.
1) General phonetics – is a section studying all the sound-producing possibilities of human speech apparatus (organs) in various languages of the world. It studies the laws that govern the changes which speech sounds undergo in the flow of speech and finds out the types of such changes in various languages;
2) Historical phonetics – is a section that traces and establishes the successive changes in the phonetic system of a given language or a language family at different stages of its historical development. It helps to understand how this modern phonetic system came to be and what changes may take place in the future;
3) Comparative phonetics – studies the correlation between the phonetic systems of two or more languages, especially kindred ones. It finds out the correspondences between the speech sounds of kindred languages. For example, it is the comparative phonetics that tells us that to every initial prevocalic [z] of Modern German there corresponds the consonant [s] in Modern English: sendensend, silbersilver, Saltzsalt, singensing, Seiteside;
4) Theoretical phonetics – deals with theoretical problems of a particular language. It gives students the latest theories and views on many phonetic problems. It describes some moot points in a particular language;
5) Experimental phonetics – is a section that studies various phonetic phenomena in the laboratory conditions by means of all sorts of devices. It has gained far-reaching results in the last two decades.

The actual complicacy of the definition of the term “phonetics” lies in the fact that from the very origin of this branch of linguistics it dealt with two different objects: phonemes and speech sounds, related to each other as content and form. The field of science that studies phonemes is called phonology (the term phoneme is said to be coined in 1873 by the French linguist A. Dufriche-Desgenettes). There are too many various views as to the relation and the difference between the phonetics and the phonology. As an example consider the following sentence from the book by M.A. Sokolova & others: “Phonetics has two main divisions; on the one hand, phonology, the study of the sound patterns of languages, of how a spoken language functions as a ‘code’, and on the other, the study of substance, that carries the code” (Sokolova & others, 2004 : 7). Here phonology is included into phonetics. This view is traditional for Soviet (Russian) linguists (cf. for instance with the view expressed in: Jacobson, Halle, 1962). Europeans prefer to completely distinguish between phonetics and phonology. N.S. Trubetskoy (another spelling is Trubetzkoy, Moscow 1890 – Vienna 1938), the author of Grundzüge der Phonologie (Principles of Phonology – his book was first published in German, see Trubetskoy, 1960), without reference to whose book no phonological analysis can be done, supposed that a complete division between phonetics and phonology is principle and practical. Americans rather divide between proper phonetics (which deals with physical characteristics of speech sounds) and phonology. It should be mentioned here that in many cases where the publications of American linguists have the word phonology in their title they often deal with the same spheres and aspects of speech sounds that are considered in papers and books of Soviet (Russian) linguists which have the term phonetics on the cover.

The relation between phonetics and phonology is very intricate and intimate. If for theoretical purposes we regard the phonemes and speech sounds as two sides of one and the same object of reality (a view propagated by the Soviet-Russian scholars), we shall have to consider phonemes representing its abstract, ideal side, whereas speech sounds – representing its substantial, material side. If, theoretically, we regard phonemes and speech sounds as completely different objects of reality (the view propagated by Western scholars), we still have to consider the former being abstract and ideal, whereas the latter – being substantial and material. So, as you see the extremes meet if not completely, yet partially, which happens often in science, and the differences between Russian and Western schools show their partial relativity to certain extent and in certain context.

The relation between phonetics and phonology can be understood by saying that phonetics is “the science which studies the characteristics of human sound-making, especially those sounds used in speech, and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription”, whereas phonology is “a branch of linguistics which studies the sound systems of languages” (Crystal, 2007 : 349, 351).

The phonology (also known as the functional or linguistic phonetics) deals with phonological properties of phonemes, syllables, accent, intonation and interprets them as socially significant elements. It studies the ways how speech sounds function in the language, how many or how few of all the sounds of language are utilized in that language, and what part they play in manifesting the meaningful distinctions of the language. It also studies variations of pitch since pitch variations may be quite different in different languages. In English, pitch changes are not part of the shape of a word: that is to say, we can pronounce such word as “No” with a variety of pitch patterns, level, rising, falling or combinations of these, so as to add overtones of doubt, certainty, apathy, interrogation and the like, but the word remains the same old basic negative. But in Chinese there are four different words all of which are pronounced rather like English ma, and they are distinguished by their patterns of pitch. ma with high level pitch means “mother”; with a rise from medium to high pitch the meaning is “hemp”; a rise from low to medium gives “horse”; and a fall from high to low gives “scold” (O’Conner, 1978 : 18).
When we talk about how phonemes function in a language, and the relationship among the different phonemes – (when, in other words,) we study the abstract (the ideal) side of the sounds of a language – we are studying a related but different subject that we call phonology. Only by studying both the phonetics and the phonology of English is it possible to acquire a full understanding of the use of sounds in English speech (Roach, 1990 : 35). To study the sounds of a language from the phonological point of view means to study the way they function, to find out which sounds a language uses as part of its pronunciation system, how sounds are grouped into functionally similar units, termed phonemes.
It is common knowledge that different languages have a different number of phonemes and different allophones representing them. So each language has its own system of phonemes. The social value of articulatory and acoustic qualities of sounds for the language as a means of communication is different in different languages. In one language two physically different sounds (units) are identified as “the same” sounds, because they have similar functions in the language system. In another language community they may be classified as different because they perform different linguistic functions.
Compare dark & clear “l” sounds in English – they do not affect the meaning, whereas in Russian similar sounds affect the meaning – “лук/люк”.
There are many other differences which are not important on the phonological level of analysis. Cf., for example: pie, spy, and lamp-post – the [p] sounds are different here because of the phonetic context in which they occur: in pie – it is aspirated, in spy – it is non-aspirated, in lamp-post – the first [p] is replaced by a glottal stop and not a plosive sound. Yet, phonologically these sounds are the same (Sokolova & others, 2004 : 53; for more examples see: Sokolova & others, 1984).
So the aim of phonology is firstly to determine which differences of sounds are phonemic and which are non-phonemic, and secondly, to find the inventory of phonemes of a language. In doing this, we must arrange sounds into functionally similar groups. We do not know yet what sounds are contrastive in this language and what sounds are merely allophones of one and the same phoneme. These are achieved through application of methods of phonetic (and phonological) studies.

It cannot be said that each branch of phonetics has its own absolutely unique methods. Partly this happens due to intricate and intimate relation between phonetics and phonology. For instance, the experimental method and the method of direct observation are applied in articulatory, and in acoustic and in auditory phonetics as well.

We will distinguish between the following methods of phonetics (the term phonetics here is understood in terms of Soviet/Russian school): 1) direct observation method; 2) experimental method; 3) instrumental methods; 4) method(s) of phonological analysis.
First. The direct observation method is the method of observing the facts of a language in their natural surrounding. In phonetics it comprises three important modes: observation by ear, by sight and by muscular sensation. The method can be effectively employed only if a researcher has been specially trained to differentiate between “the minutest movements of their own and other people’s speech organs, and to distinguish the slightest variations in sound quality” (Dickushina, 1965 : 16).
Second. The experimental method is the method of obtaining data and facts of a language through constructing and modelling special artificial conditions. It is more economic than the direct observation method and makes a researcher able to find out not only what is allowed but also what is prohibited in a certain language. Consider the following example from Russian: the task is to prove the statement that in Russian the sequence of /st/ and /n/ divided by morphological boundary is pronounced as /sn/ (let us schematically represent this as: /st/++/n/=/sn/). If we apply the direct observation method we need to analyse a great volume of speech material looking for the examples demonstrating or refuting the statement. And still we cannot be sure as some exclusion could well avoid our analysis by accidentally missing to appear in the speech material. The experiment allows us to identify the group of words subject to analysis (because we know what shall be on the left side of our “equation”) and listening to the Russian speaker pronouncing them we can quickly define whether the statement is correct or incorrect. Experiments are especially good in identification of exclusions and what is not allowed in a language. Consider the pronunciation of the Russian words that prove the above statement: честный, местный, возрастной – here no phoneme /t/ is pronounced which supports the original statement and – moreover – the statement that the pronunciation of /t/ under the circumstances is prohibited in Russian.
Third. Instrumental methods are sometimes called experimental, which is not quite correct because, on the one hand, an experiment can be implemented without any tool or apparatus and, on the other hand, the usage of a technical device does not obligatory imply an experiment. If one makes a record of speech in natural conditions with the help of a tape or CD recorder – he/she applies the instrumental method without an experiment. Yet, very often the usage of a technical device, tool, or instrument is combined with an experiment run for a certain purpose, under certain conditions and to obtain certain goals.
There are various and different instruments applied in phonetic studies.
Among the old ones there deserve to be mentioned the laryngoscope, the artificial palate, and the kymograph. “The laryngoscope is a small circular mirror that is introduced into the pharynx as far back as possible” (Dickushina, 1965 : 20), and that allows to see the upper part of the pharynx and the vocal cords. The artificial palate allows seeing “the exact tongue-palate contacts in articulating sounds” (Dickushina, 1965 : 19). It is to be made for each informant specifically “according to the exact shape of the individual hard palate” (Dickushina, 1965 : 19). A fine white powder is sprinkled onto the artificial palate, which is, then, to be fitted into the person’s mouth and the sound is to be articulated. In the place of the contact between the tongue and the palate the powder (chalk or talc for instance) will be removed, and the artificial palate, being extracted, can be then photographed or diagrammed. The drawing or the photo of the artificial palate is called palatogram and it shows the articulatory features of the sound pronounced, such as the place and point of articulation and strength and muscular tension. The kymograph is an apparatus that transmits “the variations in the air pressure of the air stream emitted from the mouth” (Dickushina, 1965 : 21) through the thin rubber tube to a stylus, which leaves tracings on the blackened paper. The kymograms reflect acoustic characteristics of speech sounds, and allow to identify and to distinguish between vowels and consonants, between different vowels, between voiced and voiceless consonants, between different consonants. The basic schematic design of the kymograph can be seen in Pic. 2.

Pic. 2. The Basic (Principle, Schematic) Design of the Kymograph.

There are other, comparatively new, methods of phonetic research effected by and with the help of special apparatus. They are cinematography and photography, x-ray photography (still and moving), electromyography, tomography, oscillography, and spectrography.
The latter two enable to obtain acoustic characteristics of sounds like frequency, amplitude, spectrum; and auditory characteristics like pitch, loudness, timbre; and prosodic characteristics like length and intonation. Oscillograms (see Pic. 3 below) and spectrograms (see Pic. 4 below) bear indirect information about the articulatory characteristics of speech sounds as well. Therefore oscillography and spectrography are the most widely applied techniques in speech analysis. The oscillograph is an apparatus that transforms sound waves of different frequencies into electric signals of different frequencies that can be viewed on the screen, recorded, photographed or diagrammed. Oscillograms reflect all the acoustic characteristics of a speech sound. The table to follow (Table 1) represents the correlation between some acoustic (physical) and auditory (physiological) characteristics of speech sounds.

Table 1. Correlation Between Acoustic and Auditory

Characteristics of Speech Sounds.

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