Қоғам дамуының шешуі секторларында ақпараттық-коммуникациялық технологиялардың рөлі. Акт стандарттары

-lecture. Introduction to computer systems

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Информационно-коммуникационные технологии (на анг.языке) ко (2019-202


Introduction to computer systems.

Arhitectore of computer systems.


            The concept of computer systems data processing systems combination of these four machines, data, applications, and people use when considering joining.


            Hardware equipment.

            As for the large or from personal computers, which are similar to each other

those working principle:


1) the central processor

2) an input device

3) Storage device

4) output device


            The modern digital computer systems and discrete devices (digital) and microprocessor (integrated) at all the elements of the establishment. These devices vary depending on the structure of its objectives and indicators, and is characterized by the parameters.



1)      Компьютер - computer

2)      Компьютерлік жүйе - The computer system

3)      Архитектура – Architecture

4)      Жергілікті есептеу жүйесі - the local computer system

5)      Глобальді не ауқымды жүйе - global system


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