«Өркениет» ғылыми-әдістемелік орталығының 2021 жылғы «22» ақпандағы №1 хаттамасына сәйкес сараптау комиссиясының шешімімен баспаға ұсынылды

Тask №1.  Read the sample diary entry about the first day in a new  job

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Тask №1. 
Read the sample diary entry about the first day in a new 
What is your dream job? Write 
a diary entry describing your 
first day. Use the prompts to 
help you. 
Think about: 
what time you started 
what you did 
what your place of work was 
what your co-workers were like 

what went wrong 
how you felt 
Тask №2. 
Тask №3. 
Work in small groups. Discuss the questions:
What are the normal ways of getting into work in your 
Which do you think are best? Why? Which would you 
choose for yourself? 
The end of 
the lesson
And one more thing. I’ll give you the envelopes. You can 
see the pictures there. Choose only one picture and give 

5 minutes 
yourself a mark for this lesson. (Картинки с 
изображением людей различных профессий с 
подписями.) “Картинки для рефлексии” 
At the beginning we have seen different buildings with 
different organizations of our town. And you saw a town 
and many people of different professions in this town. 
Let’s make our town of professions : 
“SUPER!” - 5! 
“WELL DONE!” – “4”! 
“TRY HARDER!” – “3”! 
Theme of the Lesson: Көне мамандықтар - Oldest profession 
Lesson objectives:
formation of skills and abilities of foreign language speech 
activity: listening, speaking (monologue), reading, writing; mastering the students 
aspects of the language (pronunciation, vocabulary). Activation of skills and abilities 
to improve speaking; updating vocabulary on the topic “Profession”. 
Assessment criteria:

Develops knowledge of the English language 

Performs formative assessment tasks 

A learner can express their opinion with extensive reasoning. 

A learner can understand the context and deduce meanings of words accurately. 

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