Оқу жетістіктерін сырттай бағалаудың мағынасы

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II level

  • II деңгей

  • 1 Are there, 2 Is there, 3 Are there, 4 Are there, 5 Is there, 6 Are there

  • III level

    1. There are ten pears in the bag.

    2. There aren’t pupils in the classroom.

    3. Is there an egg on the plate?

    4. There is a white cat on the chair.

    5. There isn’t a turtle on this farm.

    6. Are there two bikes at the door?

    • Theme № 14 The Present Simple Tense / Жалпы осы шақ

    • The Present Indefinite ҥнемі істелетін кәсіби және басқа кҥнбе-кҥнгі әрекетті, адамзатқа, ғаламатқа тән ҥйреншікті, дағдылы жалпы қимыл, қозғалыс, амал, іс-әрекетті көрсетеді.

    1. A habitual action – тұрақты, әдеттегі, жиі қайталанатын әдетке айналған іс-әрекет

    • I run every morning.

    • She works at a restaurant.

    1. A General fact – Жалпыға белгілі мәлім ақиқат, шындық The sun rises in the east.

    • It rarely rains in the desert.

    1. Future timetables – кестеге байланысты келешекте болатын іс-әрекеттер

    • The ticket office opens at 9:00.

    • The plane to Astana takes off at 6.40 a.m.

    • Present Indefinite Tense жасалу жолы

    • Сұраулы және болымсыз сөйлемдерде –do, -does көмекші етістігі қолданылады.

    • ► Жиі қолданылатын мезгіл пысықтауыштары: always, ever, never, as a rule, every day, (week, month, year), now and then, generally, seldom, occasionally, usually, regularly, rarely, sometimes, from time to time.

      • Positive

      • Negative

      • I

      • You

      • We

      • They

      • sleep

      • I

      • You

      • We

      • They

      • do not

      • (don`t)

      • sleep

      • He

      • She

      • It

      • sleeps

      • He

      • She

      • It

      • does not

      • (doesn`t)

      • sleep

      • Questions

      • Answers

      • Do

      • I

      • you we they

      • sleep?

      • Yes,

      • I

      • you we they

      • do

      • No,

      • do not

      • (don`t)

      • Does

      • he

      • she it

      • sleep?

      • Yes,

      • he

      • she it

      • does

      • No,

      • does not

      • (doesn`t)

    • The Present Indefinite формасындағы етістіктерге бірінші, екінші жақта жекеше және көпше тҥрде жіктік жалғау жалғанбайды, тек жекеше тҥрде ҥшінші жақта жіктік жалғау –s болып жалғанады.

    • ► Етістіктің болымсыз және сұраулы тҥрі -do, -does көмекші етістігі арқылы жасалады.

    • ► Егер етістік –ch, -ss, -sh, -x және –o жалғауларына аяқталса, - es жалғауы жалғанады. I brush – he brushes I teach – he teaches I fix – he fixes I go – he goes

    • ► Егер етістік «дауыссыз + у» аяқталса, әрпі –і әрпіне айналады да, -ies жалғауы жалғанады. I try – he tries

    • ► Егер етістік «дауысты + у» аяқталса, -s жалғауы жалғанады. I buy – he buys

      • Adverbs of Frequency

      • always almost always usually often frequently rarely generally sometimes hardly occasionally almost

      • seldom ever never

      • not ever, never

      • Жиілік ҥстеулері әдетте сөйлемнің ортасында қолданылады.

      1. I sometimes get up at 6:30

      2. Sometimes I get up at 6:30

      • Subject Freq. adv. Verb

      • a) Omar always tells the truth.

      • Жиілік ҥстеулері бастауыш және етістіктің ортасында келеді.

      • Subject be Freq. adv.

      • b) Mansur is always on time.

      • Жиілік ҥстеулері be (am, is, are) көмекші етістігінен кейін келеді.

      • c) Do you always eat breakfast?

      • Сұраулы сөйлемдерде жиілік ҥстеулері бастауыштан кейін келеді.

      1. I usually don`t eat breakfast.

      2. Dana doesn`t always eat breakfast.

      • Болымсыз сөйлемдерде жиілік ҥстеулердің көбі болымсыз етістіктің алдында келеді. (always, ever ҥстеулерінің басқасы)

      • f) Дұрыс: He never eats meat.

      • Бұрыс: He doesn`t never eat meat.

      • Rarely, hardly, ever, never болымсыз ҥстеулері болымсыз мағынадағы етістікпен қолдынылмайды.

    • Theme № 14 The Future Simple Tense / Жалпы келер шақ

    • Will + infinitive (without `to`)

    1. Predicting something that is likely to happen in the future – Келешекте болатын іс-әрекеттер You will win the race. I know it.

    2. Expressing willingness to do something – I will go with you if you like.

    3. Making a decision at the time of speaking - I will call you in a few minutes then.

    • Future Indefinite Tense I think немесе Perhaps сөздерімен қолданылады, сонымен қатар болашақта болатын іс-әрекетті көрсетеді.

    • I think it will rain tomorrow.

    • Perhaps she will be late for her lesson.

    • Future Indefinite Tense жасалу жолы

    • Present Indefinite Tense көмекші етістік will және етістіктің алғашқы нысаны Іnfinitive (to бөлшегінсіз) арқылы жасалады.

    • Future Indefinite Tense іс-әрекеттің асырылуын көрсетеді, дегенмен to be going to формасына қарағанда, іс-әрекеттің алдынала жоспарланғаны емес, кенеттен болғанын көрсетеді. - The phone is ringing! - I`ll answer it.

    • ►Мезгіл пысықтауыштары:

    • Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week (month, year)

      • Positive

      • Negative

      • I

      • You

      • We

      • They

      • will

      • sing

      • I

      • You

      • We

      • They

      • will not

      • sing

      • He

      • She

      • It

      • will

      • sing

      • He

      • She

      • It

      • will not

      • sing

      • Questions

      • Answers

      • Will

      • I

      • you

      • sing?

      • Yes,

      • I

      • you

      • will

      • we they

      • No,

      • we

      • they

      • will not

      • Will

      • he

      • she it

      • sing?

      • Yes,

      • he

      • she it

      • will

      • No,

      • will not

    • Ағылшын тілінде келер шақтың басқа шақтарда көрінуі

      • Түрі

      • Қолданылатын кездері

      • Мысалдар

      • 1. to be going to + инфинтив

      • Жақында іске асырылуы ойластырылып қойған іс-

      • әрекет

      • She is going to visit his grandmother.

      • They are going to play tomorrow.

      • 2. Present

      • Continuous

      • (Progressive)

      • Жақында іске асырылуы ойластырылып қойған іс-

      • әрекеттер, әдетте іс-қимыл етістіктермен (to come, to leave, to start, to arrive, to fly, etc.) жасалады.

      • I am leaving Almaty today.

      • I am coming tomorrow.

      • We are starting next week.

      • George is arriving in the evening.

      • 3. Present

      • Simple

      • (Indefinite)

      • Кестеге, графикке және бағдарламаға байланысты

      • ойластырылып қойған іс-

      • әрекет

      • The bus leaves at

      • 6.30.

      • The lesson begins in five minutes.

      • 4. Модаль

      • етістігі to be to +

      • инфинитив

      • Келісім бойынша жақында орындалуы керек іс-әрекет

      • We are to go on

      • Friday. Who is to clean the house today?

    • Test № 15/Тест № 15

    1. I'm tired. I (go) to bed.

    1. I’ll

    2. I go

    3. I’d go

    1. It’s late. I think I (take) a taxi.

    1. will take

    2. shall take

    3. am take

    1. ____ I (answer) the question?

    1. Shall

    2. Will

    3. Shall not

    1. We don’t know their address. What (we/do)?

    1. What are we do

    2. What will we do

    3. What shall we do

    1. Our test (not/take) long.

    1. isn’t take

    2. doesn’t take

    3. willn’t take

    4. won’t take

    1. I’m afraid they (not/wait) for us.

    1. don’t wait

    2. will not be waited

    3. won’t wait

    1. Diana (come) to the party tomorrow?

    1. Shall Diana come

    2. Will Diana come

    3. Does Diana come

    1. You (arrive) in Paris tomorrow evening.

    1. arrive

    2. will arrive

    3. arriving

    1. The boy (remember) this day all his life.

    1. will remember

    2. should remember

    3. remembers

    1. Perhaps they (buy) a new house this year.

    1. bought

    2. ‘ll buy

    3. buying

    • Leveled exercises № 15

    • Деңгейлік тапсырма № 15

    • I level

    • I деңгей

    • Change to the future tense. Write the complete verb will/shall.

    • Model: He studies in this class. He will study.

    • 1. She works in this office.

    • 2. You speak English well.

    • 3. I come to the lesson on time.

    • 4. We walk to their work.

    • 5. He brings his friends to the lesson.

    • 6. He opens the door for us.

    • II level

    • II деңгей

    • Change to the future tense.

    • Model: He is in the cafeteria. He’ll be.

    • 1. They are on the second floor.

    • 2. She is your new teacher.

    • 3. He is a good student.

    • 4. It is on the desk.

    • 5. I am in the second class.

    • 6. You are in Chicago.

    • III level

    • III деңгей

    • Change to the negative form.

    • Model: He will see us at three o’clock. He won’t see. …

    • 1. She will be back in an hour.

    • 2. He will be the best student in the class.

    • 3. They will arrive on the two o’clock train.

    • 4. She will meet us here.

    • 5. I shall bring the medicine with me.

    • 6. He will wait for us on the corner.

    • 7. We shall return next month.

    • Answers Test № 15

    • Жауаптар Тест № 15

    • 1 a/b 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 d 6 c 7 b 8 b 9 a 10 b

    • Answers

    • Leveled exercises № 20

    • Жауаптар

    • Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 20

    • I level

    • I деңгей

    • 1. She will work in this office.

    • 2. You will speak English well.

    • 3. I shall come to the lesson on time.

    • 4. We shall walk to their work.

    • 5. He will brings his friends to the lesson.

    • 6. He will opens the door for us.

    • II level

    • II деңгей

    • 1. They are on the second floor. They will…

    • 2. She is your new teacher. She will…

    • 3. He is a good student. He will…

    • 4. It is on the desk. It will…

    • 5. I am in the second class. I shall…

    • 6. You are in Chicago. You will…

    • III level

    • III деңгей

    • 1. She won`t will be back in an hour.

    • 2. He won`t be the best student in the class.

    • 3. They won`t arrive on the two o’clock train.

    • 4. She won`t meet us here.

    • 5. I shan`t bring the medicine with me.

    • 6. He won`t wait for us on the corner.

    • 7. We shan`t return next month.

    • Theme № 16 The Past Simple Tense / Жалпы өткен шақ

    1. An action that began and ended at a specific time in the past – іс-әрекет, оқиғалар өткен шақта басталып, өткен шақта аяқталады.

    • We won a gold medal last year.

    • They spent their holidays in Switzerland last month. They had a great time.

    1. An action that occurred over a period of time and was completed in the past – іс-әрекеттердің бірінен кейін бірінің келуі, қарапайым қайталанып келетін іс-әрекеттер

    • She cooked the meal first than she ate with her family.

    • Past Indefinite Tense жасалу жолы.

    • Сұраулы және болымсыз формада did көмекші етістігі қолданылады.

    • Хабарлы сөйлемде дҧрыс етістіктерде (regular verbs) инфинитив формасына ed жалғанады.

    • Бұрыс етістіктер (irregular verbs) инфинитивтің 2-ші формасын қабылдайды (бұрыс етістіктер таблицасынан көре аласыздар).

    • Мезгіл үстеулер: last week, last night, yesterday, an hour ago, in 1973, during

      • Positive

      • Negative

      • I

      • You

      • We

      • They

      • swam

      • I

      • You

      • We

      • They

      • did not

      • (didn`t)

      • swim

      • He

      • She

      • It

      • swam

      • He

      • She

      • It

      • did not

      • (didn`t)

      • swim

      • Questions

      • Answers

      • Did

      • I

      • you we they

      • swim?

      • Yes,

      • I

      • you we they

      • did

      • No,

      • did not

      • (didn`t)

      • Did

      • he

      • she

      • it

      • swim?

      • Yes,

      • he

      • she

      • it

      • did

      • No,

      • did not

      • (didn`t)

    • Test № 16 / Тест № 16

    1. There isn’t a cloud in the sky, but it (be) cloudy in the morning.

    1. is

    2. was

    3. were

    1. Mrs. Clay usually finishes her work at half past three, but she (finish) it later yesterday afternoon.

    1. finish

    2. finishes

    3. finished

    1. Every day I help my Mom about the house, but last week I was very busy with my exam. So I (not/help) her much.

    1. not helped

    2. didn’t helped

    3. didn’t help

    1. Tom isn’t playing tennis tomorrow afternoon, he (not/play) tennis yesterday.

    1. doesn’t play

    2. didn’t play

    3. didn’t played

    1. We generally have lunch at 12.30, but yesterday we (have lunch) later.

    1. had lunch

    2. have lunched

    3. had had lunch

    1. Now my brother smokes a lot, but he (not/ smoke) before.

    1. hadn’t smoked

    2. didn’t smoke

    3. not smoked

    1. The Frasers live in four-room apartment, but last year they (live) in a small house in the country.

    1. were living

    2. did live

    3. lived

    1. I (get) to the market myself last time, but now I don’t remember how to get there.

    1. getted

    2. goted

    3. got

    1. How you (cut) your finger?

    1. How have you cut

    2. How you cutted

    3. How did you cut

    1. Jack (try) to remember what he had done last April.

    1. was tried

    2. tried

    3. tryed

    • Leveled exercises № 16

    • Деңгейлік тапсырма № 16

    • I level

    • I деңгей

    • Change the following verbs to the past tense.

    1. We walk through the park every day.

    2. He smokes a lot.

    3. The teacher asks us many questions

    4. Our lesson ends at two o`clock.

    5. He follows his brother everywhere.

    6. He needs a new suit.

    7. He talks to us in English.

    • II level

    • II деңгей

    • Put  was, were, did.

    • 1. When________ Mother's Day last year?

    • — It _______ in April.

    • 2. What ____ you do?

    • — We made a cake and cards for Mum.

    • 3. ________ Mum happy?

    • — Yes, she _________.

    • 4. Who _______ you invite?

    • — Our grandparents.

    •  5. What _______ you give to your granny?

    •  - Flowers.

    • 6. ________ you tired?

    • — No, we weren't.

    • III level

    • III деңгей

    • Put right form and translate the dialogue

    • Kim:  What __________ (you do) last night, Lisa?

    • Lisa: I went to the cinema.

    • Kim: What film _____________ (you see) ?

    • Lisa: Shrek.

    • Kim: Who _____________ ( you go) with?

    • Lisa: Pete and Zoe.

    • Kim: _________ (you enjoy) it?

    • Lisa: Well, the special effects were brilliant, but the story wasn't very good.

    • Kim: What time ____________ (it finish)?

    • Lisa: At ten o'clock.

    • Kim:  What______ (you do) after the film?

    • Lisa: We went for a pizza.

    • Answers Test № 16

    • Жауаптар Тест № 16

    • 1.b 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.a 6.b 7.c 8.c 9.c 10.b

    • Answers

    • Leveled exercises № 16

    • Жауаптар

    • Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 16

    • I level

    • I деңгей

    1. We walked through the park every day.

    2. He smoked a lot.

    3. The teacher asked us many questions

    4. Our lesson ended at two o`clock.

    5. He followed his brother everywhere.

    6. He needed a new suit.

    7. He talked to us in English.

    • II level

    • II деңгей

    • 1 was 2 did 3 was 4 was 5 did 6 were

    • III level

    • III деңгей

    • Kim:  What did you do last night, Lisa?

    • Lisa: I went to the cinema.

    • Kim: What film ____did_________ you see ?

    • Lisa: Shrek.

    • Kim: Who _____did________ you go with?

    • Lisa: Pete and Zoe.

    • Kim: _____Did____ you enjoy it?

    • Lisa: Well, the special effects were brilliant, but the story wasn't very good.

    • Kim: What time _____did_______ it finish?

    • Lisa: At ten o'clock.

    • Kim:  What___did___ you do after the film?

    • Lisa: We went for a pizza.

    • Theme № 17 The Present Continuous / Жалғаспалы осы шақ

    1. An activity that is in progress at the moment – қазір, берілген уақытта болып жатқан іс-әрекет. Mary is watching TV right now.

    • I`m taking 5 courses this semester.

    1. Future arrangements – алдын ала іске асырылуы ойластырылып қойған іс-әрекет

    • I`m going to Sweden next winter.

    • They`re moving into their new house next week.

    • Present Progressive Tense жасалу жолы:

    • Xaбарлы сөйлемде am/is/are көмекші етістіктері және V+ing

    • Сұраулы және болымсыз сөйлемдерде am/is/are көмекші етістіктері қолданылады.

    • Мезгіл пысықтауыштар: now, right now, at the moment, always, constantly, still.

      • Positive

      • Negative

      • I

      • am working

      • I

      • am not

      • working

      • You

      • We

      • They

      • are working

      • You

      • We

      • They

      • are not

      • (aren`t)

      • He

      • She

      • It

      • is working

      • He

      • She

      • It

      • is not

      • (isn`t)

      • Questions

      • Answers

      • Am

      • I

      • working?

      • Yes,

      • I

      • am

      • Are

      • you we they

      • Yes,

      • you we they

      • are

      • No,

      • are not

      • (aren`t)

      • Is

      • he

      • she

      • it

      • Yes,

      • he

      • she

      • it

      • is

      • No,

      • is not

      • (isn`t)

    • ►Егер етістік –е жалғауына аяқталса, - ing суффиксі жалғанғанда да, сөз соңындағы –е әрпі тҥсіп қалады. dance – dancing

    • ► Егер етістік –l жалғауына аяқталса суффиксі жалғанғанда

    • -l жалғауы екі еселенеді. travel – travelling

    • ► Егер етістік –ie жалғауына аяқталса –y + -ing , жалғанады. lie-lying; die-dying

    • Ағылшын тілінде сезімді білдіретін кейбір етістіктер (verbs of mental and emotional state) осы шақа байланысты болса да, (-ing) формасын қабылдамайды.

    • Common verbs of state condition

      • 1. Mental state

      • know believe imagine realize feel doubt

      • understand suppose remember recognize think forget

      • want need desire mean

      • 2. Emotional state

      • love hate care like dislike

      • astonish appreciate fear

      • amaze

      • please

      • envy surprise prefer mind

      • 3. Possession

      • possess have

      • own belong

      • 4. Sense perceptions

      • taste hear see

      • smell feel

      • 5. Other existing states

      • seem

      • appear

      • resemble

      • cost exist look owe matter

      • weigh consist of sound equal contain

      • be include look like

    • ► Бірақ кейбір етістіктер –ing формасын қабылдайды. For example:

    1. Yum! This food tastes good. I like it very much.

    2. This food is tasting good. I`m liking it very much.

    3. The chef is in his kitchen. He is tasting the sauce.

    4. It tastes too salty.

    5. He doesn`t like it.

    • A, D, E мысалдарында етістік сезім және қабылдау сезімдерді білдіргендіктен олар –ing формасын қабылдамайды.

    • B, C мысалдарында аспаздың іс-әрекетін баяндағандықтан, –ing формасын қажет етеді.

    • Test № 17/Тест № 17

    • 1.Where are the children? It’s quiet at home. - They (lie) on the carpet and (draw).

    1. lie, are drawing

    2. are lieing, drawing

    3. are lying, drawing

    • 2.What you (do) now? - I (look for) my key. I can’t open the door.

    1. What do you do, I look for

    2. What are you do, I looking for

    3. What are you doing, I’m looking for

    4. What you doing, I’m looking for

    • 3.Listen! Somebody (sing) a lovely song.

    1. sings

    2. is singing

    3. are singing

    • 4.Why you (put on) the coat? It’s sunny today.

    1. are you putting on

    2. do you put on

    3. will you put on

    4. are you puting on

    • 5.Don’t make so much noise. I (try) to work.

    1. tried

    2. ’m triing

    3. ’m trying

    • 6.Why you (cry)? Is anything wrong?

    1. do you cry

    2. are you crying

    3. have you crying

    • 7. I (listen) to you attentively.

    1. am listening

    2. listen

    1. What time Nick and Rosa (come) for dinner tonight?

    1. is Nick and Rosa coming

    2. Nick and Rosa are coming

    3. do Nick and Rosa come

    4. are Nick and Rosa coming

    • 9 .I’m sure you (make) the right choice.

    1. will be made

    2. are making

    3. make

    • 10.Take your umbrella. It (rain) cats and dogs.

    1. rained

    2. are raining

    3. is raining

    • Leveled exercises № 17

    • Деңгейлік тапсырма № 17

    • I level

    • I деңгей

    • Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous.

    • a) Sam (drink) ..is drinking........................some milk.

    • b) You (stand)..........................................on my foot!

    • c) Mike (stay)..........................................at this hotel.

    • d) You (sit)..........................................in my place!

    • e) We (have)..........................................a good time.

    • f) I can't talk now. I (wash)..........................................my hair.

    • II level

    • II деңгей

    • Make negative sentences.

    • a) You're listening to me ............................

    • b) Tim is studying. ..................................................................

    • c) We're talking. ..................................................................

    • d) You are writing...................................................................

    • e) Katherine is lying. ..................................................................

    • f) They are waiting for us. ..................................................................

    • III level

    • III деңгей

    • Correct each sentence or question.

    • a) I playing tennis with my best friend I’m playing tennis with my best friends

    • b) You're coming to the cinema tonight? ................................................................

    • c) John and Mandy don't going to the beach. ….......................................................

    • d) Is Emma and Katy flying to America? .........................................................

    • e) My sister is walk on the beach now. .........................................................

    • f) We not studying French at school this year. …….................................................

    • g) What's that noise? The dog is outside? ..........................................................

    • h) I aren't watching the TV. Turn it off. ................................................................

    • Answers Test № 17

    • Жауаптар Тест № 17

    • 1 c 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 a 8 d 9 b 10 c

    • Answers

    • Leveled exercises № 17

    • Жауаптар

    • Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 17

    • I level

    • I деңгей

    • a) is drinking

    • b) are standing

    • c) is staying

    • d) are sitting

    • e) are having

    • f) am washing

    • II level

    • II деңгей

    • a) You aren't listening to me.

    • b) Tim isn't studying.

    • c) We aren't talking.

    • d) You aren't writing.

    • e) Katherine isn't lying.

    • f) They aren't waiting for us.

    • III level

    • III деңгей

    • a) I'm playing tennis with my best friend.

    • b) Are you coming to the cinema tonight?

    • c) John and Mandy aren't going to the beach.

    • d) Are Emma and Katy flying to America?

    • e) My sister is walking on the beach.

    • f) We're not studying French at school this year.

    • g) What's that noise? Is the dog outside?

    • h) I'm not watching the TV. Turn it off.

    • VI. Список используемых источников

    • 1. Государственная программа развития образования на 2011-2020 годы.

    • 2. Инструкции по организации и проведению ПГК в СОО.

    • 3. Учебная программа «Иностранный язык», «Английский язык» 5-9 классы, 2010 год.

    • 4. Смакова К., Ким Е. Учебно-методическое пособие «Шың», Алматы 2007 год.

    • 5. А.П.Новокрещенов. Сборник тестовых заданий по английскому языку для подготовки к ПГК, изд. ТОО «Келешек-2030», Кокшетау 2009 год.

    • Өтемісова Э. К. Ағылшын тілінен әдістемелік құрал/Э. К. Өтемісова, Ж. Ш. Жұбандықова, Г. А. Төрежанова. - 2009

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