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4 class.



Learning A-Z


What Lives in This Hole?

e-learning resource.

4 class.



Learning A-Z


Where We Get Energy.

e-learning resource.

4 class.



Learning A-Z


Yellowstone: A Place of Wild Wonders.

e-learning resource.

4 class.



Learning A-Z


Interactive Course. Year 4 (81-digital educational resources):

You start!; How often do you go to the park?; Tell me… ; What do you do?; How much cake is there?; How much lunch?; Let's go shopping!; Can I help you?; How many would you like?; I'd like six eggs; I’d like four ice creams, please; Are you hungry?; I'd like some pasta, please; What would you like to drink?; In a café; I'd like some soup!; It's time to get up!; It’s time for…; What time does the lesson start?; I play football in the afternoon; How's it going in New York?; This is my pet; What's the rabbit doing?; The kittens are sleeping in a box; We have lots of pets; I eat vegetables every day; It's raining; Today it's sunny; Is it cloudy?; There's snow in the north; Today's weather; There's snow on the mountains; It's hot in the jungle; Is there a rainbow in the sky?; There are mountains in the north; I can see a monster; What's in the town?; Where's the train station?; The bank is opposite the cinema; The playground is behind the classrooms; Two big cities; Upstairs, downstairs; Toys are on the first floor; Where are the books?; One hundred toys; Three funny fish; Look out, it's a shark!; What do pandas eat?; Lions eat meat; Robot at the zoo; Run, quick, quick, quick!; Rabbits hop quickly; The quiet mouse runs quickly; Lucy's lizard; My family; I was at home yesterday; We were in the garden; Who was in the park yesterday?; It was an exciting weekend; There's a lot of rain in the rainforest; Where was the bird?; Was it sunny yesterday?; The weather around the world; Rain, rain, go away; Once upon a time; The pirate sailed to an island; He wanted the treasure; Did the pirate look at the map?; The fairy godmother gave her a new dress; She lost her shoe; Can you say it?;

Test A; Test B; Test C; Test D; Test E; Test F; Test G; Test H; Test I; Test J.

4-6 classes.



Bilim Media Group


Interactive Course. Year 5 (65- digital educational resources):

My holiday; Where did you go on holiday?; We didn't see a shark; I have a funny story!; Yesterday was not a good day!; Were you at school yesterday?; Where were you in the afternoon?; Where were you this morning?; I walked into a wall!; Where did you go on holiday; Mrs Black?; Are you happy?; They're both older than Jill; Is football easier than hockey?; Basketball is more exciting than football; An elephant is bigger than me; It's quiet in here; Lucy is the oldest in the class; I'm better at running than swimming;

My favourite activities; I like toast; An email to a friend; What's the matter?; I've got a cold; Are you feeling better?; What's his job?; Why don't we go swimming?; Can you make your bed?; Where can I ride my bike?; Do I need a helmet?; Can you come to my party?; Dear friend …; You must do your homework; Can I sit near the window?; Don't touch!; You mustn't eat in your tent; We mustn't ride our bikes; Let's go for a run; I had a fantastic week!; Yesterday was my birthday; What would you like to wear?; I've got a pet; Look at the clown; I think he's very funny; Did you enjoy the film?; Why didn't you do your homework?; Please work quickly; Elephants walk slowly; Today I'm talking about lions; Picnic time; I'd like some apples, please; Did you enjoy the picnic?; What did you like best?; Did it have a happy ending?; I'd like a sausage sandwich; We had a good year!;

Test A; Test B; Test C; Test D; Test E; Test F; Test G; Test H; Test I; Test J.

4-6 classes.



Bilim Media Group


Interactive Course. Year 6 (78- digital educational resources):

20, 30, 40…; How many cakes have we got?; Where are the sheep?; Can I give the horse an apple?; What can I give the cows?; What a nice farm!; 22, 33, 44…?; I went to Old Farm; I sent you a text; What was the weather like?; Was it sunny in the west?; It was a rainy day; She's my dad's older sister; What's your aunt like?; He's my mum's younger brother; Now he looks like a pirate!; What does she look like?; She's got curly black hair; This woman is tall and thin; This is my aunt; What's your father's job?; Where does she work?; What does the farmer have to do?; She works in a hospital; I don't have to go to school today; I'm a robot; She doesn't have to work outside; I like my job; Do you have to go to school?; I don't have to work this evening; It's got four legs and it hops; I think it's a mouse because it's got big ears; She brings them food when they're hungry; The panda eats a lot of leaves; Sometimes there are spiders on the ground; This is what the lion eats; That's the forest where the parrot lives; First I went to the rainforest; First I saw a lion; It's the biggest tiger in the world; How does he go to work?; It's quicker by car; The train is more difficult than the bus; Which are better?; Planes or trains?; I like walking to school; Sailing's more exciting than walking; My car is better than your dad's car; You can see the city by bus; Do you like driving?; London's better than New York; What shall we buy her?; What do you want to do?; I want to buy my mum a present; What do you need for school?; What do we need to buy?; We went to the supermarket to buy some food; I bought some chocolate, eggs and sugar to make a cake; Here's the birthday card for Lucy; I went to the market to buy a banana; It's very easy to make; What's your address?; This is the DVD which my friend gave me; This is the girl who cleaned houses; Many kings and queens lived here; Where's the library?; There's a clock on the wall; Which is your favourite thing?; Lucy's favourite things; Am I in the garden?; What's your bedroom like?; Happy camping!; I had to give the penguins some fish; Let's make a bird bath; What shall we do for our next show?; Test B; Test C; Test D; Test E; Test F.

4-6 classes.



Bilim Media Group


Interactive Exercises. Elementary level. Grammar (24-digital educational resources):

Present perfect- negatives; Present perfect- just, already, yet; Past simple vs. present perfect; Short forms; Wh- interrogatives; Modal verbs- can, could; Modal verbs- must, mustn’t, needn’t; Modal verbs- should, ought to; Have to; Would like; Personal pronouns; Possessive adjectives; Possessive pronouns; Reflexive pronouns; Demonstrative pronouns; Saxon genitive; Short questions and answers; Indefinite and definite article; Countable and uncountable nouns;

Countable and uncountable nouns- some, any; Expressions of quantity- much, many, etc; Expressions of quantity; Comparative and superlative adjectives; Nothing, no one, not + anybody/anyone.

4-6 classes.



Bilim Media Group


Elementary level. Listening (12-digital educational resources):

My friends; Favourites; Men at work; The future is in our hands; Healthy body, healthy mind; Travelling; Student life; Sporting life; Getting there; Money must be funny; Daylight robbery; Around the world.

4-6 classes.



Bilim Media Group


Elementary level. Vocabulary (16- digital educational resources):

Body; City; Clothes; Describing people; Describing things; Family; Food and drink; Free time; Home; Jobs; Miscellaneous; Nature; Numbers; School; Sport; Weather.

4-6 classes.



Bilim Media Group


Intermediate level. Grammar (26- digital educational resources):

Present simple tense; Present time state and event verbs; Present simple vs. present continuous; Reported speech commands and requests; Reported speech questions; Wishes about the past; Passive present perfect, future simple; Passive present continuous, be going to; Passive sentences with and without an agent; Expressions have sth done, make sb do sth; Modal verbs for ability and permission; Modal verbs for possibility or uncertainty; Modal verbs for obligation; Modal verbs for impossibility or certainty; Modal verbs for advice and opinion; Defining relative clauses; Non-defining relative clauses; Combining sentences; Subject and object questions; Tag questions; Time expressions and prepositions; Dates; Indefinite article; Definite article; Adjectives ending in -ed and –ing; Adjectives and word order.

4-6 classes.



Bilim Media Group


Intermediate level. Listening (18- digital educational resources):

In the spotlight; Raising children; Corporate life; Digital worlds; Travel broadens the mind; Ancient discoveries; E-learning; Elections; Job satisfaction; If it was not for medicine; What a wedding!; Environment; Cuisine; In court; Zoo; City or country; Sport and safety; Books.

4-6 classes.



Bilim Media Group


Intermediate level. Vocabulary (14- digital educational resources):

Business; Cuisine; Culture and Entertainment; Education; Employment; Environment; Government;

Law; Medicine; Now and the past; People and lifestyle; Plants and animals; Science and computers; Tourism.

4-6 classes.



Bilim Media Group


Advanced level. Grammar

(21- digital educational resources):

Ways of talking about the future; Conditionals – consolidation; Only if, even if; unless and other expresssions; Conditional sentences – tenses; Other types of conditional and if sentences; Adjectives and adverbs; Gradable and ungradable adjectives; Affixes; Used to – expressions; Past perfect and past perfect continuous; Continuous aspect; Passive structures; Modal verbs in the past; Verbs followed by infinitives; Verbs followed by -ing form; Verbs, nouns and adjectives followed by prepositions; Comparisons and similarities;

Relative clauses; Participle and to-infinitive clauses; Reported speech; Clauses of purpose and result.

4-6 classes.



Bilim Media Group


Advanced level. Vocabulary (18- digital educational resources):

Assorted vocabulary; Business and the economy; Character and features; Earth and life sciences; General adjectives; Housing and architecture; Idioms and expressions; Industry, machines and technology; Leisure and culture; People, customs and relationships; Phrasal verbs; Physical sciences, space and maths; Sounds; Things your body does; Values and attitudes; Verbs relating to events; Verbs relating to people; War, crime and civil disorder.

4-6 classes.



Bilim Media Group

Негізгі орта және жалпы орта білім беру




Fundamentals of physics (51 digital educational resources):

Introduction: Physics - science of nature. Physics and technology; Physical quantities. Units of measurement.

Matter: Atoms and molecules. Structure of matter; The movement of molecules. Diffusion; States of matter; Gas; Liquid; Solid.

Motion: Mechanical movement. Frame of reference. Relativity of motion; Material point. Trajectory; A path of motion and displacement;Uniform motion;Uniformly variable motion; Inertia.

Velocity Mass and Force: Interactions of bodies; The mass of an object. The density of matter; Force; Hooke's Law. Young's Modulus; Measurement of the force. Dynamometr; Addition of forces acting on the body; Gravity. Force of gravity; Weight; Friction; Air resistance; The force of reaction.

Pressure: Pressure; Pressure liquids. Pascal's Law; Combined vessels; Atmospheric pressure; The measurement of pressure. Torricelli's experiment; Buoyant force; Floating bodies.

Energy: Work; Potential energy; Kinetic energy; Energy conversions; Moment of force; Equilibrium. Centre of gravity; Levers and pulleys; Power.

Fundamentals of electrodynamics: Charging objects; Capacitors; Electric current; Resistors; Magnetic field; Power supply units and rectifiers; Diode; Transistor; Transfer of electrical energy; Electromagnets.

7-11 classes.



Bilim Media Group



Mechanics (50 digital educational resources): Kinematics: Description of motion using vectors; Uniform motion; Accelerating motion; Curvilinear motion; Gravitational acceleration; Horizontal projectile motion; Projectile motion at an angle; Angular velocity. Angular acceleration.

Dynamics: Interactions; The mass of an object; Density of matter; Force; Force of friction; Air drag; Addition of forces acting on the body; Equilibrium. Centre of gravity; Newton's first law; World gravitation. Gravitational force; The movement in space; Moments of forces in constructions; Momentum; Energy. Work; Internal energy; Potential energy and kinetic energy; The law of conservation of momentum and energy in collision; Simple machines; Power; Newton's second law for rotational motion; Newton's second law in the form of a momentum for rotational motion; Energy of rotational motion; Centripetal and centrifugal force; Potential energy of a body in a gravitational field; Potential energy of a body in a gravitational field.

Theory of relativity: Time and distance; Time and distance; Mass and energy; General theory of relativity.

Oscillations: Oscillating motion. Mechanical oscillations; Energy of oscillations; Free, damped and forced oscillations. Resonance.

Mechanical oscillations: Wave motion; Sound; Interference of sound waves; Sounds in music; Reflection of waves; Refraction of waves; Infrasound and ultrasound; Diffraction and interference of waves; Doppler's effect; Intensity of the waves; Intensity of the waves.

7-11 classes.



Bilim Media Group



Molecular physics (21 digital educational resources):

Molecular-kinetic theory fundamentals: Ideal gas; The basic equation of the molecular-kinetic theory.

Thermodynamics: Internal energy; The first law of thermodynamics; Heat сapacity; Heat sources; Heat transfer; Isoprocesses; Adiabatic process; The second law of thermodynamics; Heat engines. Carnot Cycle.

The properties of gases, liquids and solids: Evaporation and condensation; Melting and freezing; Phase changes; The surface tension of liquids; Wetting. Capillarity; Properties of vapors. The critical state of matter; Air humidity; Viscosity. Internal friction; Bernoulli's principle; Crystals and amorphous bodies.

7-11 classes. www.bilimland.kz


Bilim Media Group



Electrodynamics (42 digital educational resources):

Electrostatics: Electric charge. Coulomb`s law; The electric field; The electric field potential; The work done by the electric field; Conductors in electric field; Capacitance; Capacitors;The application of an electric current.

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