1. will be 4 meters, overall length
hypersonic aircraft
100 meters and its cabin will
carry 300 passengers.
2. The project of such an
2. a speed five to six times above
aircraft was displayed at
the speed of sound.
3. There is no horizontal stabilizer
3. like a rocket.
4. Therefore it looks more
4. since conventional aircraft
windows are too weak to with-
stand high stresses at
supersonic speed.
5. The superliner will mainly
5. the Aerospace Salon in Paris.
fly in the stratosphere at
6. The diameter of the fuselage
6. will replace todays׳ aircrafts soon.
7. The passenger superliners of such
7. in the design of a new
a class will have no windows
Упражнение 4. Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова и словосоче-
тания в скобках.
1. What kind of aircraft may begin a new age in aviation? (a hypersonic
passenger liner) 2. What is the shape of the new liner? (an elongated fuselage
with a sharp nose) 3. What distance can the new liner cover in less than two
hours? (the distance between Tokyo and Moscow) 4. What are the main
problems of building a reliable hypersonic liner? (developing an economical
engine and new heat insulating materials combined with better aerodynamics)
5. What is one of the ways to make a hypersonic liner as economical as
possible? (using new composite materials) 6. What will be used for cooling a
hypersonic craft? (cryogenic fuels) 7. What combined engine was developed? (a
ventilator propeller engine)
Упражнение 5. Прочитайте словосочетания и выберите для выде-
ленных слов соответствующие тексту значения.
1. with the cabin