Are Extroverts Happier Than Introverts? There’s no clear answer to this question. Current tests consistently ______
1 _____
extroverts higher on the happiness scale than introverts. However, many of these
tests ______
2 ______ degree of happiness using activities like socializing and
interacting with the outside world, both of which extroverts need to thrive!
Introverts do experience happiness when they around other people, but are most
happy when _______
3 _______ in lower-key activities. These are not accounted for
on current tests and likely causes introverts to score lower.
There also appears to be a cultural factor affecting the happiness level of extroverts
and introverts. Many Western cultures _______
4 ______ favor extroverted
personalities, people who act quickly, appear friendly and are________
5_ ______.
Introverts often feel pressure to be extroverts, which can lead to anxiety or
lowered _______
6 _____.
7 _________ people who are more contemplative, quiet and appear
serene. Introverts in these cultures don’t feel the stigma to be extroverted and so
are more accepting of their ________
8_ _____ personality. Research supports the
keys to happiness lie in having a sense of purpose, self acceptance and a
supportive _________9________, which both personality types can form.