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Широкая Е.В.Иностранный язык Учебно-практическое пособие

to declare-объявлять
ambiguity [æmbɪˈgjuːɪtɪ]-
a notation- система обозначений, 
форма записи
to retrieve-извлекать
execute [ˈeksɪkjuːt] -выполнять, 
preserve [prɪˈzɜːv]-сохранять 
preserve- [prɪˈzɜːv]
a high-level language- язык высокого 
statement -
заявление, утверждение 
searching for a better- в поисках 
greater ease in writing-
легкость в написании 
1. Read and translate the text. 
has been with us for over 40 years but it wasn’t born at the time as 
the first computers. When the first early computers were built, there were no 
programming languages. First machines were initially programmed by flipping 
toggle switches and changing cables. Needless to say, this was a slow, awkward 
process. People began quickly searching for a better, faster way to issue 
instructions to the computer. 
The result was what we call 
Programming Languages
. The programming 
languages fall into three general categories. They are comprised of ones and zeros, 

and are directly understood or executed by hardware. Electronic circuitry turns 
these 0s and 1s into the operations the computer performs. 
Assembly Languages
are powerful programming tools because they allow 
programmers a large amount of direct control over the hardware. They offer 
programmers greater ease in writing instructions but preserve the programmer’s 
ability to declare exactly what operations the hardware performs. Assembly 
languages are machine-specific, or machine-dependent. Machine-dependent means 
the instructions are specific to one type of computer hardware. Assembly 
languages are still provided by most computer manufacturers – they can’t be 
translated and used on another computer. Assembly languages are used by systems 
programmers to develop operating systems and their components. 
So Assembly languages were the first bridge between the English Language and 
the computer’s binary language. The creation of high-level programming 
languages followed. A high-level language is a language in which each instruction 
or statement corresponds to several machine code instructions. 
As high-level languages are a method of writing programs using English like 
words as instructions, they allow users to write in a notation with which they are 
familiar, e.g., Fortran in mathematical notation, Cobol in English. 
High-level programming languages
combine several machine language 
instructions into one high-level instruction. Low-level languages required only a 
single letter or a short mnemonic a term, or a word that is easy to identify, such as 
ADD for addition. High-level language requires just a single statement. 
was created in 1954 by John Backus. And it was one of the first high-
level languages for FORmular TRANslator. Fortran allows programmers to 
calculate complex formulas with a few source code instructions. It is used for 
scientific and mathematical problems. The source program is written using 
combination of algebraic formulas and English statements of a standard but 
readable form. 
Another high-level machine language is 
. Cobol was developed by the 
Conference on Data Systems Languages. Cobol was issued by the US Government 
Printing Office in 1960. Cobol stands for Common Business-Oriented Language. 
The source program is written using statements in English. It was made for 
business industry, government and education applications. This means that Cobol 
«has a place for everything» and requires programmers to «put everything in its 
was developed as an international language for the expression of the 
algorithms between individuals, as well as programming language. It was 
introduced in the early 1960s. Algol stands for ALGOrithmic Language. This 
language is used for mathematical and scientific use. An Algol program consists of 

data items, statements and declarations, organized into a program structure BASIC 
or the Beginners AU-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, was developed over a 
period of years by professors John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz and students in the 
computer science program at Dartmouth College. It was released in 1965. In most 
is an unstructured language. The original Basic was easy to learn 
allowing computer users to write simple programs within a few minutes. 
Basic uses five major categories of statements: 
– Arithmetical statements allow users to use Basic like a calculator 
– Input/ Output statements, including READ, DATA, INPUT and PRINT 
– Control statements including GOTO, IF-THEN, FOR, NEXT and END control 
the sequence of instructions executed by the computer 
– Other statements help document Basic programs and set up data dimensions 
– System Commands tell the operating system how to work with Basic programs 
RUN means execute a program 
LIST directs the computer to display a Basic program. 

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